Muhammad Akbar2023-03-092023-03-092019-10-01 AKBAR. The Model of Empowering People in Case of YouthRisk in RW.09, Kebon Pisang Village, Sumur Bandung District, Bandung City. Advised by ELLYA SUSILOWATI, M.Si., Ph.D and SUSILAWATI, M.Si.,Ph.D. Many adolescents who carry out behaviors at risk that interfere with their growth and development such as smoking, fighting, bullying, dropping out of school,drugs, involved in prostitution and exposure to HIV / Aids. The community has a responsibility and is very potential in dealing with adolescent behavior at risk. However, not all people have empowerment both personally, interpersonally and organization in providing support and response to risk behavior. This research aims to capture and develop a model of community empowerment. The research method used is Participatory Action Research (PAR). Data collection techniques are used through interviews, observation, focus group discussions, and surveys to community elements, namely adolescents at risk, adolescents in general, parents of at-risk youth, parents in general, representatives of adults, community leaders and administrators of local organizations. The results of the study show that community empowerment is still weak in personal, interpersonal and organizational ways. Basic from this is an assessment of needs, empowerment planning involving the community. Then jointly implement the implementation of empowerment for adolescents by counseling children's rights, social and assertive skills, helping skills, forming a Children's Forum and optimizing Children's Reading Parks. For parents and adults socialization of child protection and good parenting. Strengthening the organization is seen as a network development with the Bandung Family Learning Center. The evaluation conducted shows the increasing empowerment of adolescents, adult parents and organizations. The practical implications of this research are the empowerment model in handling risks where each process involves the community. The recommendations of this study are the need for periodic capacity building both from adolescents, parents and adults through training and comparative studies and maintaining sustainability with networks that have been built. Keywords: Empowerment, Community, and at Youth RiskMODEL PEMBERDAYAAN MASYARAKAT DALAM PENANGANAN REMAJA BERESIKO DI RW. 09 KELURAHAN KEBON PISANG KECAMATAN SUMUR BANDUNG KOTA BANDUNGEllya Susilowatiadministator