HEPPY NOURMALA SANNY, 19.02.003Moch Zaenal HakimSinta Yulianti Suyono2023-08-092023-08-092023-08-09https://repository.poltekesos.ac.id/handle/123456789/184ABSTRAK HEPPY NOURMALA SANNY, 19.02.003.PengasuhanAnakDengan HIV/AIDS OlehKeluargaPengganti Di KelompokDukunganSebaya “Smile Plus” Temanggung. PoliteknikKesejahteraanSosial Bandung.Skripsi Program SarjanaTerapan.DosenPembimbing :MochZaenal Hakim danSintaYuliantiSuyono. Pengasuhananakdengan HIV/AIDS seringkalidilakukanolehkeluargapengganti.Hal inidisebabkankarenakedua orang tua ADHA meninggalduniamaupunmerantau.Keluargapenggantidalammengasuh ADHA seringkalibelummengetahuibagaimanperawatankhususterhadap ADHA.Keluargapenggantimasihseringmelakukanhukumanfisik, tuntutan yang berlebihan, danmerasacemasdengankondisi ADHA.PenelitianinibertujuanuntukmengkajimengenaiPengasuhanAnakdengan HIV/AIDS olehkeluargapengganti di KDS “Smile Plus” Temanggung. Aspekpengasuhan yang digunakanyaitu :kehangatan, kontrolpositif, afekpositif, proteksi yang tidakberlebihan, dantidakadahukumanfisik. Penelitianinimenggunakanmetodekualitatif.Sumber data terdiritujuhinforman.Teknik yang digunakandalampengumpulan data meliputiwawancaramendalam, observasi, danstudidokumentasi.Hasilpenelitianinimenunjukkanbahwakontorlpositifkeluargapenggantiterhadap ADHA masihmemberikantuntutan yang berlebihankepada ADHA, dandalammengasuh ADHA keluargapenggantimasihpercayadenganmitos yang beredar di lingkungansekitar.Afekpositifkeluargapenggantimasihmemilikiperasaancemasataukhawatir yang berlebihanterhadapmasadepan ADHA, danpermasalahanhukumanfisik yang diberikankeluargapenggantikepada ADHA. Sehinggadenganmunculnyapermasalahantersebut, dapatdisuslkansebuah program yaitu “PeningkatanKapasitasdanPelatihan Parenting BagiKeluargaPenggantiAnakDengan HIV/AIDS Di KelompokDukunganSebaya “Smile Plus” Temanggung. Kata kunci :PengasuhanAnak, Anakdengan HIV/AIDS, KeluargaPengganti ABSTRACT HEPPY NOURMALA SANNY, 19.02.003. Parenting For Children With HIV/AIDS by SubtitutesFamiliea in the Temanggung “Smile Plus” Peer Support Group. Bandung Social Welfare Polytechnic.Applied Undergraduate Thesis.Advisors :MochZaenal Hakim and SintaYuliantiSuyono. The care of children with HIV/AIDS is often carried out by substitute families. This is because both of ADHA’s parents died or migrated. Substitute families in caring of ADHA often do not know how to provide special care for ADHA. Substitute families still often use corporal punishment, make excessive demands, and feel anxious about ADHA’s condition. This study aims to examine the Care of Children with HIV/AIDS by substitute families in Temanggung “Smile Plus” Peer Support Group.The aspects of parenting used are: warmth, positive control, positive affect, moderate protection, and no corporal punishment. This study uses a qualitative method. Data sources consist of seven informants. The techniques used in data collection include in-depth interviews, observation, and documentation studies. The results of this study indicate that the positive control of the surrogate family towards ADHA still places excessive demands on ADHA, and in raising ADHA the surrogate family still believes in the myths circulating in the surrounding environment. The positive affect of the surrogate family is that they still have excessive feelings of anxiety or worry about the future of ADHA, and the problem of corporal punishment given to ADHA by the surrogate family. So that with the emergence of these problems, a program can be proposed, namely "Capacity Building and Parenting Training for Substitute Families of Children with HIV/AIDS in the Temanggung "Smile Plus" Peer Support Group. Keywords: Parenting, Children with HIV/AIDS, Substitute FamiliesPengasuhanAnakDengan HIV/AIDS OlehKeluargaPengganti Di KelompokDukunganSebaya “Smile Plus” Temanggung. PoliteknikKesejahteraanSosial Bandung.Skripsi Program SarjanaTerapan(Resos)Other