ULFA MAR ATUL KHUSNA, 20.03.021.LINA FAVOURITA SUTIAPUTRIDEDE KUSWANDA2024-10-102024-10-102024-10-10https://repository.poltekesos.ac.id/handle/123456789/1127ULFA MAR ATUL KHUSNA, 20.03.021. Social Capital in Micro Business in Bunisari Village, Malangbong District, Garut Regency. Supervisors: LINA FAVOURITA SUTIAPUTRI and DEDE KUSWANDA Bunisari Village is located in Malangbong Subdistrict, Garut Regency and has a variety of micro businesses. Micro businesses in Bunisari Village are experiencing problems, namely weak competitiveness. From these problems, it is necessary to explore social capital. This social capital research identifies how relationships and interactions between individuals and groups in Bunisari Village can be utilized to strengthen micro businesses through aspects of social capital including: 1) bonding social capital. 2) bridging social capital. 3) linking social capital. From each of these aspects, there are elements of social capital that are studied, including: 1) participation in a network, 2) reciprocity, 3) trust, 4) social norms, 5) values, 6) proactive action. The method used in the research is a descriptive qualitative approach. The techniques used were in-depth interviews, focus group discussion, and documentation studies. Informants consisted of 12 micro-entrepreneurs, 5 members of MSME groups, 9 village officials, and 2 villagers. The results showed that the bonding social capital aspect in all informants was good, while bridging social capital was not optimal. The problem with bridging social capital is the lack of reciprocity between business actors, MSME group members, and the village government. The lack of reciprocity is due to infrequent communication. Another problem is the lack of trust of business actors in MSME groups and village governments. The problem with linking social capital is that business actors and MSME group members lack relationships with external parties. In addition, the village government in building networks with external parties has not been optimally successful. From these problems, it is necessary to overcome the problems. In the bridging social capital aspect, intensive approaches are needed from business actors, MSME groups, and village governments, while in the linking social capital aspect, increased collaboration between actors, MSME groups, and village governments is needed to expand external networks. The Bunisari Village Networking and Collaboration Program is designed to develop relationships and expand internal and external networks between various parties. Keywords: Social Capital, Micro Business, Network ABSTRAK ULFA MAR ATUL KHUSNA, 20.03.021. Modal Sosial dalam Usaha Mikro di Desa Bunisari, Kecamatan Malangbong, Kabupaten Garut. Dosen Pembimbing: LINA FAVOURITA SUTIAPUTRI dan DEDE KUSWANDA Desa Bunisari berada di Kecamatan Malangbong, Kabupaten Garut memiliki berbagai macam usaha mikro. Usaha mikro di Desa Bunisari mengalami permasalahan yaitu lemahnya daya saing. Dari permasalahan tersebut, diperlukan pendalaman terkait modal sosial. Penelitian modal sosial ini mengidentifikasi bagaimana hubungan dan interaksi antarindividu serta kelompok di Desa Bunisari dapat dimanfaatkan untuk memperkuat usaha mikro melalui aspek modal sosial meliputi: 1) bonding social capital. 2) bridging social capital. 3) linking social capital. Dari masing-masing aspek tersebut terdapat unsur modal sosial yang dikaji meliputi: 1) partisipasi dalam suatu jaringan, 2) resiprositas, 3) kepercayaan, 4) norma sosial, 5) nilai-nilai, 6) tindakan proaktif . Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian adalah pendekatan kualitatif bersifat deskriptif. Teknik yang digunakan adalah wawancara mendalam, diskusi kelompok fokus, dan studi dokumentasi. Informan terdiri dari 12 pelaku usaha mikro, 5 anggota kelompok UMKM, 9 aparat desa, dan 2 warga desa. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa aspek bonding social capital pada semua informan baik, sedangkan bridging social capital belum optimal. Permasalahn pada bridging social capital kurangnya timbal balik diantara pelaku usaha, anggota kelompok UMKM, dan pemerintah desa. Kurangnya timbal balik disebakan komunikasi yang jarang dilakukan. Permasalahan lainnya adalah kurangnya kepercayaan pelaku usaha terhadap kelompok UMKM dan pemerintah desa.. Adapun permasalahan linking social capital adalah pelaku usaha dan anggota kelompok UMKM kurang memiliki relasi dengan pihak eksternal. Selain itu, pemerintah desa dalam membangun jaringan dengan pihak eksternal belum berhasil optimal. Dari permasalahan tersebut dibutuhkan kebutuhan untuk mengatasi permasalahan. Pada aspek bridging social capital dibutuhkan pendekatan intensif dari pelaku usaha, kelompok UMKM, dan pemerintah desa, sedangkan pada aspek linking social capital dibutuhkan peningkatan kolaborasi antara pelaku, kelompok UMKM, dan pemerintah desa untuk memperluas jaringan eksternal. Program Jaring Relasi dan Kolaborasi Desa Bunisari dirancang untuk mengembangkan relasi dan memperluas jaringan internal dan eksternal antara berbagai pihak. Kata Kunci: Modal Sosial, Usaha Mikro, JaringanModal SosialUsaha MikroJaringanModal Sosial dalam Usaha Mikro di Desa Bunisari, Kecamatan Malangbong, Kabupaten Garut.-Peksos-Technical Report