FARCHAN OCTAVIANDI, 19.04.209SakroniUjang Muhyidin2023-08-142023-08-142023-08-14https://repository.poltekesos.ac.id/handle/123456789/195ABSTRAK FARCHAN OCTAVIANDI, 19.04.209. Kontrol Sosial Pengasuhan Dalam Pencegahan Bullying Antar Anak di SOS Children’s Village Lembang. Skripsi. 2023. Politeknik Kesejahteraan Sosial (Poltekesos) Bandung. Pembimbing: Sakroni, Ujang Muhyidin. Kontrol sosial adalah segala proses baik yang direncanakan maupun tidak yang bersifat mendidik, mengajak atau bahkan memaksa warga-warga masyarakat mematuhi kaidah-kaidah dan nilai sosial yang berlaku. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh gambaran empirik tentang: 1. Karakteristik responden 2. Kontrol sosial pengasuh dalam pencegahan kasus bullying antar Anak dalam bentuk mendidik 3. Kontrol sosial pengasuh dalam pencegahan kasus bullying antar Anak dalam bentuk mengajak 4. Kontrol sosial pengasuh dalam pencegahan kasus bullying antar Anak dalam bentuk memaksa. Desain penelitian ini adalah penelitian kuantitatif dengan jenis survey deskriptif. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah pengasuh yang berada di SOS Children’s Village Lembang sebanyak 30 orang. Pengambilan sampel mengunakan sensus atau seluruh populasi dijadikan sampel. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan kuisioner. Alat ukur menggunakan skala guttman dan uji validitas menggunakan construct validity serta uji reabilitas menggunakan rumus Alpha Cronbach. Hasil penelitian kontrol sosial pengasuh di SOS Children’s Village lembang dalam aspek mendidik memiliki skor total 345. Kontrol sosial pengasuh dalam bentuk mengajak memiliki skor total 344, kontrol sosial pengasuh dalam bentuk memaksa memiliki skor total 332. Analisis masalah menunjukan bahwa terdapat permasalahan pada kontrol sosial pengasuh dalam pencegahan kasus bullying antar anak dalam bentuk memaksa yang masih memiliki nilai terkecil dari pada apek lain nya. Oleh karena itu, maka di usulkan program alternatif untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan pengasuh mengenai norma-norma dan sanksi bullying di SOS Children’s Village Lembang yaitu “kontrol sosial pengasuh tentang peninkatan pengetahuan anti-bullying di SOS Children’s Village Lembang. Kata Kunci: Kontrol Sosial, Pengasuhan, Bullying ABSTRACT FARCHAN OCTAVIANDI, 19.04.209. Caregiver Social Control in perenting Bullying Cases Between Children in SOS Children's Village Lembang. Thesis. 2023. Social Welfare Polytechnic (Poltekesos) Bandung. Advisor: Sakroni, Ujang Muhyidin. Social control is all processes, whether planned or not, that are educational in nature, invite or even force members of society to comply with prevailing social norms and values. This study aimsx to obtain an empirical description of: 1. Characteristics of respondents 2. Social control of caregivers in preventing cases of bullying between children in the form of educating 3. Social control of caregivers in preventing cases of bullying between children in the form of inviting 4. Social control of caregivers in preventing cases of bullying between children in the form of coercion. The research design is a quantitativeresearch with a descriptive survey type. The population in this study were 30 caregivers at SOS Children's Village Lembang. Sampling uses a census or the entire population is used as a sample. Data collection techniques using a questionnaire. Measuring tool using guttman scale and validity test using construct validity and reliability test using the formula Alpha Cronbach. The results of research on caregiver social control at SOS Children's Village Lembang in the aspect of educating have a total score of 345. Caregiver social control in the form of inviting has a total score of 344, caregiver social control in the form of forcing has a total score of 332. Problem analysis shows that there are problems with caregiver social control in preventing cases of bullying between children in the form of coercion which still has the smallest value compared to other aspects. Therefore, an alternative program is proposed to increase caregiver knowledge about bullying norms and sanctions at SOS Children's Village Lembang, namely "social control of caregivers about increasing anti-bullying knowledge at SOS Children's Village Lembang. Keywords: Social Control, Perenting, BullyingKontrol Sosial Pengasuhan Dalam Pencegahan Bullying Antar Anak di SOS Children’s Village Lembang(Peksos)Other