FITRIANA DEWI, 20.04.272.Yana SundayaniM. Ananta Firdaus.2024-08-262024-08-262024-08-26 DEWI, 20.04.272. The Role of Social Workers in Fulfilling the Right to Identity of Migrant Workers' Children in the Integrated Child Social Protection Service Units in Tulungagung Regency. Supervised by Yana Sundayani and M. Ananta Firdaus. This Reserach aims to gain a deeper understanding of the Role of Social Workers in Fulfilling the Right to Identity of Migrant Workers' Children in the Integrated Child Social Protection Service Units (ULT PSAI) in Tulungagung Regency and to obtain an overview of: (1) Informant Characteristics; (2) The Role of Social Workers in Fulfilling the Right to Identity of Migrant Workers' Children in ULT PSAI; (3) Barriers to the Role of Social Workers in Fulfilling the Right to Identity of Migrant Workers' Children in ULT PSAI; (4) The Impact of the Role of Social Workers in Fulfilling the Right to Identity of Migrant Workers' Children in ULT PSAI. This study uses a qualitative descriptive method. This study uses purposive sampling technique to determine five informants consisting of three social workers and two guardians of migrant workers' children in ULT PSAI. Data collection techniques use in-depth interviews, observations, and documentation studies. The research results show that social workers have carried out four roles, namely administrator, enabler, broker, and advocate in fulfilling the right to identity of migrant workers' children. The implementation of these roles has obstacles in the form of (1) Lack of coordination with related service units; (2) Lack of information in the community; (3) Lack of human resources. There are two impacts of the role of social workers in fulfilling the right to identity of migrant workers' children, namely positive and negative impacts. The problems found are the role of social workers as educators which has not been running optimally and the lack of coordination between social workers and related institutions which causes the process of handling document requirements for making birth certificates and family cards for migrant workers' children to be hampered in the village government. Thus, the researcher proposes a program "Improving the Capacity of the Role of Social Workers in Fulfilling the Right to Identity of Migrant Workers' Children in ULT PSAI" and is expected to optimize the role of social workers Keywords : Social Worker, Right to Identity, Migrant Workers' Children. ABSTRAK FITRIANA DEWI, 20.04.272. Peran Pekerja Sosial dalam Pemenuhan Hak Identitas Anak Pekerja Migran di Unit Layanan Terpadu Perlindungan Sosial Anak Integratif. Dosen Pembimbing : Yana Sundayani dan M. Ananta Firdaus. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui lebih mendalam mengenai Peran Pekerja Sosial dalam Pemenuhan Hak Identitas Anak Pekerja Migran di Unit Layanan Terpadu Perlindungan Sosial Anak Integratif (ULT PSAI) Kabupaten Tulungagung dan memperoleh gambaran mengenai : (1) Karakteristik Informan; (2) Peran Pekerja Sosial dalam Pemenuhan Hak Identitas Anak Pekerja Migran di ULT PSAI; (3) Hambatan Peran Pekerja Sosial dalam Pemenuhan Hak Identitas Anak Pekerja Migran di ULT PSAI; (4) Dampak Peran Pekerja Sosial dalam Pemenuhan Hak Identitas Anak Pekerja Migran di ULT PSAI. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif. Penelitian ini menggunakan teknik pusposive sampling untuk menentukan lima informan yang terdiri dari tiga orang pekerja sosial, dan dua orang wali anak pekerja migran di ULT PSAI. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan teknik wawancara mendalam, observasi, dan studi dokumentasi. Hasil Penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pekerja sosial telah menjalankan empat peran yaitu administrator, enabler, broker, dan advocate dalam pemenuhan hak identitas anak pekerja migran. Pelaksanaan peran tersebut memiliki hambatan berupa (1) Kurangnya koordinasi dengan unit pelayanan terkait; (2) Kurangnya Informasi di masyarakat; (3) Kurangnya sumber daya manusia. Terdapat dua dampak peran pekerja sosial dalam pemenuhan hak identitas anak pekerja migran, yaitu dampak positif dan negatif. Permaslaahan yang ditemukan yakni peran pekerja sosials ebagai educator yang berlum berjalan secara maksimal dan kurangnya koordinasi pekerja sosiald engan lembaga terkait yang menyebabkan terhambatnya proses pengurusan dokumen persyaratan pembuatan akta kelahiran dan kartu keluarga anak pekerja migran di pemerintah desa. Peneliti mengusulkan program ”Peningkatan Kapasitas Peran Pekerja Sosial dalam Pemenuhan hak Identitas Anak Pekerja Migran di ULT PSAI” yang bertujuan mengoptimalkan peran pekerja sosial. Kata Kunci : Pekerja Sosial, Hak Identitas, Anak Pekerja MigranPekerja SosialHak IdentitasAnak Pekerja MigranPeran Pekerja Sosial dalam Pemenuhan Hak Identitas Anak Pekerja Migran di Unit Layanan Terpadu Perlindungan Sosial Anak Integratif.-peksos-Technical Report