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Item The effectiveness of religious-imaginal exposure therapy to the intensity of post-traumatic stress disorder in children's sexual abuse.(Perpustakaan, 2023-12-12) JULI KRISWANTO JHONPRA VOLTA DUHA,; SUSILAWATI; MOCH. ZAENAL HAKIM1ABSTRACT JULI KRISWANTO JHONPRA VOLTA DUHA, SUSILAWATI, MOCH. ZAENAL HAKIM, The effectiveness of religious-imaginal exposure therapy to the intensity of post-traumatic stress disorder in children's sexual abuse. Imaginal exposure practices with a Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) base of theory often combined with a spiritual-religious approach can create ambiguity because of differences in perceived aspects, and lead to ineffective therapy. It is overcome by the engineering process of social work technology and helps provide the design religious-imaginal exposure (RIE). The study was made to test the design's effectiveness in reducing the intensity of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in children affected by sexual abuse. The study was conducted with quantitative. A quantitative approach with a single subject design is used to measure changes in the intensity of PTSD before and during the implementation of RIE. Data collected with interview techniques, questionnaires, and self-reports. The validity of RIE's design was tested through an expert validity test. Internal validity is guaranteed through the use of multiple baseline design; External validity is guaranteed through application of therapies on four subjects, and data reliability is guaranteed by remeasurement on the subject. An analysis of both conditions before (baseline) and during implementation (intervention) on all four subjects suggests that RIE therapy effectively lowers the intensity of PTSD in sexually abused children demonstrated with a change in positive levels on each subject (overlap 0%). The subject has a rational alternative of mind not to spook and avoid memories of traumatic events. The study suggests that RIE's design can be modified for use on the whole religion/trust and retested for further studies on a broader subject scale, as well as for an addition to the techniques in-vivo exposure and follow-up in the design of RIE therapy. Key words: religious, imaginal exposure, posttraumatic stress disorder, child of sexual abuse 2ABSTRAK JULI KRISWANTO JHONPRA VOLTA DUHA, SUSILAWATI, MOCH. ZAENAL HAKIM, Efektivitas Terapi Religious-Imaginal Exposure Terhadap Intensitas Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Pada Anak Korban Kekerasan Seksual Praktik imaginal exposure dengan basis teori Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) yang sering digabungkan dengan pendekatan spiritual-religius dapat menimbulkan ambiguitas karena perbedaan aspek belief, dan menyebabkan terapi tidak efektif. Hal tersebut diatasi melalui proses rekayasa teknologi pekerjaan sosial dan menghasilkan desain Religious-Imaginal Exposure (RIE). Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menguji efektivitas desain tersebut dalam mengurangi intensitas Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) pada anak korban kekerasan seksual. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan dengan metode kuantitatif. Pendekatan kuantitatif dengan single subject design digunakan untuk mengukur perubahan tingkat intensitas PTSD sebelum dan selama implementasi teknik RIE, Data dikumpulkan dengan teknik wawancara, kuisioner, dan self-report. Validitas desain RIE diuji melalui uji validitas ahli. Validitas internal dijamin melalui penggunaan desain multiple baseline; validitas eksternal dijamin melalui penerapan terapi pada empat subjek, dan reliabilitas data dijamin melalui pengukuran berulang terhadap subjek. Hasil analisis antar kondisi sebelum (baseline) dan selama implementasi (intervensi) pada keempat subjek menunjukkan bahwa terapi RIE efektif menurunkan intensitas PTSD pada anak korban kekerasan seksual yang ditunjukkan dengan perubahan level positif pada masing-masing subjek (overlap 0%). Subjek memiliki alternatif pikiran rasional untuk tidak menakuti dan menghindari ingatan peristiwa traumatis. Penelitian ini menyarankan agar desain RIE dapat dimodifikasi untuk digunakan pada seluruh agama/kepercayaan dan diuji kembali pada penelitian selanjutnya dalam skala subjek yang lebih luas, serta perlunya penambahan teknik in-vivo exposure dan follow-up di dalam desain terapi RIE. Kata Kunci: Religious, Imaginal Exposure, Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, Anak Korban Kekerasan Seksual