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Item Penerapan Therapeutic Community pada Korban Penyalahgunaan NAPZA di Lapas Kelas IIA Bogor(Perpustakaan, 2024-08-08) ASTRILIA NURAINI PUTI MIRANTI, 20.04.008; Epi Supiadi; Yeane Ellen Merry Tungga.ASTRILIA NURAINI PUTI MIRANTI, 20.04.008. Application Therapeutic Community on Victims of Drug Abuse in Class Prisons IIA Bogor, Supervised by Epi Supiadi and Yeane Ellen Merry Tungga. The Community Therapeutic (TC) implimentation for victims of drug abuse is a method of social rehabilitation which aims to help individuals experiencing problems of dependence on narcotics, psychotropics and other addictive substances in the social environment. This research aims to obtain an empirical picture of; characteristics of informants in Class IIA Bogor Prison, implementation process Theurapeutic Community for inmates who take part in the social rehabilitation program at the Bogor Class IIA prison, primary-stage in the implementation process Theurapeutic Community for inmates who take part in the, and re-entry in the implementation process Theurapeutic Community for inmates who take part in the social rehabilitation program at the Class IIA Bogor Prison. This research used a descriptive method with a qualitative approach to seven informants. Data collection techniques in this research used in-depth interviews, observation and documentation studies. The results of the research show that the implementation of the TC method in Bogor Class IIA Prison has not achieved the specific goal, namely that residents cannot prevent relapse due to internal factors. Residents do not understand NAPZA material and are not strong enough to defend themselves to prevent it. relapse, while external factors include addiction counselors not understanding drugs, not being able to present drug material, feeling hopeless about their weaknesses, and not being able to provide individual counseling. Therefore, the Creation of Motivation and Superior Capacity (CIMAKU) program is proposed. The aim of this program is to create a methodical social rehabilitation program Theurapeutic Community which was carried out perfectly at Class IIA Bogor Prison. Keywords: Implementation Therapeutic Community, Victims of Drug Abuse, Class IIA Bogor Correctional Institution. ASTRILIA NURAINI PUTI MIRANTI, 20.04.008. Penerapan Therapeutic Community pada Korban Penyalahgunaan NAPZA di Lapas Kelas IIA Bogor, Dibimbing oleh Epi Supiadi dan Yeane Ellen Merry Tungga. Penerapan Therapeutic Community (TC) pada korban penyalahguna NAPZA merupakan salah satu metode rehabilitasi sosial yang bertujuan membantu individu mengalami masalah ketergantungan pada narkotika, psikotropika, dan zat adiktif lainnya di lingkungan sosial. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh gambaran secara empiris tentang; karakteristik informan di Lapas Kelas IIA Bogor, pelaksanaan induction, primary-stage, dan re-entry dalam proses penerapan Theurapeutic Community pada warga binaan yang mengikuti program rehabilitasi sosial di Lapas Kelas IIA Bogor. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif terhadap tujuh informan. Teknik pengumpulan data pada penilitian ini menggunakan wawancara mendalam, obervasi, dan studi dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian bahwa pelaksanaan metode TC di Lapas Kelas IIA Bogor belum mencapai tujuan khusus yaitu residen tidak dapat mencegah kekambuhan disebabakan oleh faktor internal residen tidak memahami materi NAPZA dan belum kuat mempertahankan diri mencegah relapse, sedangkan faktor eksternal yaitu konselor adiksi tidak memahami NAPZA, tidak dapat menyajikan materi NAPZA, memiliki rasa putus asa dengan kelemahannya, dan tidak dapat memberikan konseling secara individu. Oleh karena itu diusulkan program Cipta Motivasi dan Kapasitas Unggul (CIMAKU). Tujuan program ini adalah menciptakan program rehabilitasi sosial metode Theurapeutic Community yang terlaksana dengan prima di Lapas Kelas IIA Bogor. Kata Kunci: Penerapan Therapeutic Community, Korban Penyalahgunaan NAPZA, Lembaga Permasyarakatan Kelas IIA Bogor