Pengembangan Desain Pemberdayaan Lanjut Usia Potensial Melalui Market PROLAN (Produk Lansia) Di Yayasan Mandar Indonesia.

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ABSTRAK Novita Kartika,2001002. Pengembangan Desain Pemberdayaan Lanjut Usia Potensial Melalui Market PROLAN (Produk Lansia) Di Yayasan Mandar Indonesia. Dosen pembimbing Dwi Heru Sukoco dan Didiet Widiowati Lanjut usia tidak terlepas dari berbagai permasalahan yang menghadapinya. Salah satu masalah yang sering dihadapi lanjut usia adalah masalah ekonomi. Pemberdayaan lanjut usia potensial merupakan salah satu cara mengatasi masalah ekonomi pada lanjut usia potensial. Oleh karena itu proses pemberdayaan harus dilakukan secara optimal sehingga mampu menjadi solusi atas permasalahan lanjut usia. Salah satu upaya untuk membantu usaha lansia potensial adalah dengan pemberdayaan melalui Market PROLAN. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk menghasilkan desain akhir pemberdayaan lansia melalui Market PROLAN yang diharapkan mampu menjawab permasalahan lanjut usia. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah dihasilkannya desain pemberdayaan lansia potensial melalui Market PROLAN. Proses mengembangkan desain pemberdayaan lansia tersebut melalui beberapa tahapaan mulai dari asesmen kebutuhan lansia dalam pengembangan usaha, menyusun pengembangan desain awal permberdayaan lanjut usia potensial melalui Market PROLAN, mengimplementasikan pengembangan desain permberdayaan lanjut usia potensial melalui Market PROLAN, mengevaluasi dan menyempurnakan desain pemberdayaan lanjut usia potensial melalui Market PROLAN. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan metode participatory action research (PAR). Teknik pengumpulan dalam penelitian ini menggunakan observasi, wawancara, studi Dokumentasi dan FGD. Penelitian ini melibatkan informan lansia potensial, Pendamping dari pihak yayasan, pendamping dari keluarga lansia. Hasil penelitian ini menemukan desain akhir pengembangan desain pemberdayaan lansia melalui Market PROLAN. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa kegiatan pemberdayaan yang selama ini dilakukan Yayasan Mandar Indonesia belum memberikan dampat yang signifikan terhadap peningkatan perekonomian lanjut usia. Sehingga hasil dari implementasi Market PROLAN mampu mengoptimalkan proses pemberdayaan ekonomi lanjut usia di Yayasan Mandar Indonesia. Kata Kunci: Pemberdayaan, Lansia Potensial, Pemasaran ABSTRACT Novita Kartika,2001002. Development of Potential Elderly Empowerment Designs through the PROLAN Market (Elderly Product Market) at the Mandar Indonesia Foundation. Supervisor: Mr. Dwi Heru Sukoco and Mrs. Didiet Widiowati The elderly cannot be separated from the various problems they face. One of the problems that are often faced by the elderly is economic problems. Empowerment of potential elderly is one way to overcome economic problems in potential elderly. Therefore, the empowerment process must be carried out optimally so that it can be a solution to the problems of the elderly. One of the efforts to help potential elderly businesses is through empowerment through Market PROLAN. This research was conducted with the aim of producing a final design for elderly empowerment through Market PROLAN which is expected to be able to answer the problems of the elderly. The purpose of this study is to produce a design for the empowerment of potential elderly people through the PROLAN Market. The process of developing the elderly empowerment design goes through several stages starting from assessing the needs of the elderly in business development, compiling the initial design development of potential elderly empowerment through the PROLAN Market, implementing the development of potential elderly empowerment designs through the PROLAN Market, evaluating and perfecting the potential elderly empowerment design through PROLAN market. This research is a qualitative research with participatory action research (PAR) method. The collection technique in this study used observation, interviews, Documentation studies and FGDs. This study involved potential elderly informants, assistants from the foundation, companions from elderly families. The results of this study found the final design for the development of the elderly empowerment design through the PROLAN Market. The results of the study show that the empowerment activities that have been carried out by the Mandar Indonesia Foundation have not had a significant impact on increasing the economy of the elderly. So that the results of the Market PROLAN implementation are able to optimize the process of economic empowerment of the elderly at the Mandar Indonesia Foundation. Keywords: Empowerment, Potential Elderly, Marketing



Pemberdayaan, Lansia Potensial, Pemasaran
