PenyesuaianDiri Anak yang Berhadapandengan Hukum di Sentra AntasenaMagelang


ABSTRAK DWI WAHYUNI. NRP. 19.02.019. PenyesuaianDiri Anak yang Berhadapandengan Hukum di Sentra AntasenaMagelang. Dibimbing oleh RINI HARTINI RINDA A., M.Pd., Ph.D. dan ELIN HERLINA, MPS.Sp Penelitianinibertujuanuntukmengetahuigambaransecaraempiristentangpenyesuaiandirianak yang berhadapandenganhukum di Sentra AntasenaMagelang yang mencakup: 1) karakteristikinforman, 2) kemampuanmengontrolemosi yang berlebihan, 3) kemampuanmeminimalisirmekanismepertahanandiri, 4) kemampuanmengurangifrustrasi, 5) kemampuanberfikirrasional dan mengarahkandiri, 6) kemampuanbelajar, 7) kemampuanpemanfaatanpengalaman masa lalu, 8) kemampuanbersikaprealistis dan objektif. Penelitianinimenggunakanpendekatankualitatifdenganmetodedeskriptif. Sumber data yang digunakanadalahsumber data primer dan sekunder. Teknik penentuaninformandalampenelitianiniadalahpurposive dengantujuh orang informanmeliputiempatinformananak yang berhadapandenganhukum, dua pekerjasosialpendamping dan satukoordinatorkelompokkerjaanak. Teknik pengumpulan data denganwawancaramendalam, observasi dan studidokumentasi. Pemeriksaankeabsahan data menggunakan uji kredibilitas data, uji keteralihan data, uji kebergantungan data dan uji kepastian data. Selanjutnya data dianalisamelaluireduksi data, penyajian data dan penarikankesimpulan. Adapun hasilpenelitianmenunjukkanbahwapenyesuaiandirianak yang berhadapandenganhukum di Sentra AntasenaMagelangbelumdilaksanakansecara optimal. Ditunjukkandaritujuhaspekpenyesuaiandiri yang baik, lima aspekdiantaranyabelumdilaksanakandenganbaikkarenamasihadanyabeberapahambatanataumasalah. Sepertimasalahadanyaketidakstabilanemosi, kurangnyaketerbukaan, kurangnyakesadaran dan motivasidiri, kedewasaanberfikir yang belumsesuaidengankarakteristikremajasertakurangnyapenerimaandiri pada anak. Sehinggahaliniperluupayauntukmeningkatkankapasitaspenyesuaiandirianakkhususnya pada masalahkurangnyaketerbukaan dan kesadaransertamotivasidiri. Makadariitupenelitimerekomendasikan program yaitu “Pekan PenyesuaianDiri Anak yang Berhadapandengan Hukum di Sentra AntasenaMagelang”. Kata Kunci: PenyesuaianDiri, Anak yang Berhadapandengan Hukum ABSTRACT DWI WAHYUNI. NRP. 19.02.019. Self-adjusment of Children in Conflict with the Law at the AntasenaMagelang Center. Supervised by RINI HARTINI RINDA A., M.Pd., Ph.D. and ELIN HERLINA, MPS. Sp This study aims to determine an empirical picture of the self-adjustment of children in conflict with the law in the Antasena Center Magelang which includes: 1) the characteristics of informant, 2) the ability to control excessive emotions, 3) the ability to minimize self-defense mechanisms, 4) the ability to reduce frustration, 5) the ability to think rationally and direct themselves, 6) the ability to learn, 7) the ability to utilize past experiences, 8) the ability to be realistic and objective. This research uses a qualitative approach with descriptive methods. The data sources used are primary and secondary data sources. The technique of determining informants in this study was purposive with 7 informants including 4 informants of children in conflict with the law, 2 accompanying social workers and 1 coordinator of the children's working group. Data collection techniques using in-depth interviews, observation and documentation studies. Data validity checking used data credibility test, data transferability test, data dependability test and data certainty test. Furthermore, the data were analyzed through data reduction, data presentation and conclusion drawing. The results showed that the self-adjustment of children in conflict with the law at the Antasena Center Magelang has not been implemented optimally. It is shown from seven aspects of good self-adjustment, five of which have not been implemented properly because there are still some obstacles or problems. Such as the problem of emotional instability, lack of openness, lack of awareness and self-motivation, maturity of thinking that is not in accordance with the characteristics of adolescents and lack of self-acceptance in children. So this needs an effort to increase the child's self-adjustment capacity, especially on the problem of lack of openness and awareness and self-motivation. Therefore, the researcher recommends a program, namely "Self-Adjustment Week for Children Against the Law at the AntasenaMagelang Center". Keywords: Self-adjusment, Children in Conflict with the Law


