Arah Pengembangan Program Keluarga Harapan (PKH) Lanjut Usia Ke Depan di Indonesia
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Politeknik Kesejahteraan Sosial Bandung
The Family Hope Program (PKH) is designed as a form of government attention and
responsibility in providing social assistance/social security to people who are
economically disadvantaged or poor and vulnerable to poverty through conditional
assistance. PKH for the Elderly (Lansia) was launched in 2016 by including social
welfare components in the PKH assistance structure. This study aims to reveal: 1) the
implementation of PKH for the elderly, 2) the impact of PKH for the elderly on the
welfare of the elderly, 3) the role of the family in the implementation of the PKH for
the elderly, and 4) the direction of developing PKH for the elderly based on the social
work practice model. The research method used is a combination of quantitative and
qualitative methods. Data collection techniques were carried out through interviews,
focus group discussions, surveys via google form, and observation. The analysis of
research data using quantitative and qualitative descriptive analysis. The results
showed that; 1) The implementation of PKH for the Elderly goes according to the
rules, but several problems arise, namely; the change in age from 60 to 70 years
many questions from the community, the entry of the elderly into PKH changes the
structure of assistance in one family, the nominal value of PKH assistance for the
elderly can be higher than the education component (school age children), and the
health component (pregnant/ postpartum/breastfeeding mothers) , the role of the PKH
Facilitator is still minimal in the substance of old age, and there is no touch from the
Elderly Social Rehabilitation Center to KPM PKH Elderly because it avoids double
financing, 2) The impact of PKH on the welfare of the elderly, among others; help
fulfill basic needs, improve health conditions, elderly have their own pocket money
and can help families, can provide pocket money to grandchildren, 3) the role of the
family in the implementation of PKH for the elderly includes; The elderly live with
their children and grandchildren (family), the family always tries to meet the basic
daily needs of the elderly as parents, the PKH assistance for the elderly is used for the
elderly's daily needs. escorting the elderly to health facilities, assisting the elderly in
carrying out basic ADL, and acting as caregivers, 4) The direction of future PKH
development for the elderly is based on the social work practice model, namely
comprehensive social protection that relies not only on the provision aspect, but also
emphasizes the prevention aspect, promotive and transformative..
Keywords: Elderly, family hope programs, social protection.