Scientific Work


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    (Indonesian Journal of Social Work, 2024-02) Tukino
    Elderly people undergoing social rehabilitation in halfway houses, especially those experiencing anxiety, need to receive special treatment, including; services to overcome anxiety, and feel optimistic about life lived every day. One technique for dealing with anxiety is touch therapy. This research aims to reveal the application of touch therapy in overcoming anxiety problems experienced by the elderly at the Pedurenan Bekasi Halfway House. The method used is single subject design. Data collection techniques were carried out through interviews and observation. The research results show that applying touch therapy to subjects can reduce anxiety.
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    Arah Pengembangan Program Keluarga Harapan (PKH) Lanjut Usia Ke Depan di Indonesia
    (Politeknik Kesejahteraan Sosial Bandung, 2021-11-29) Tukino, Uke Hani Rasalwati, Ella Nurlela
    The Family Hope Program (PKH) is designed as a form of government attention and responsibility in providing social assistance/social security to people who are economically disadvantaged or poor and vulnerable to poverty through conditional assistance. PKH for the Elderly (Lansia) was launched in 2016 by including social welfare components in the PKH assistance structure. This study aims to reveal: 1) the implementation of PKH for the elderly, 2) the impact of PKH for the elderly on the welfare of the elderly, 3) the role of the family in the implementation of the PKH for the elderly, and 4) the direction of developing PKH for the elderly based on the social work practice model. The research method used is a combination of quantitative and qualitative methods. Data collection techniques were carried out through interviews, focus group discussions, surveys via google form, and observation. The analysis of research data using quantitative and qualitative descriptive analysis. The results showed that; 1) The implementation of PKH for the Elderly goes according to the rules, but several problems arise, namely; the change in age from 60 to 70 years many questions from the community, the entry of the elderly into PKH changes the structure of assistance in one family, the nominal value of PKH assistance for the elderly can be higher than the education component (school age children), and the health component (pregnant/ postpartum/breastfeeding mothers) , the role of the PKH Facilitator is still minimal in the substance of old age, and there is no touch from the Elderly Social Rehabilitation Center to KPM PKH Elderly because it avoids double financing, 2) The impact of PKH on the welfare of the elderly, among others; help fulfill basic needs, improve health conditions, elderly have their own pocket money and can help families, can provide pocket money to grandchildren, 3) the role of the family in the implementation of PKH for the elderly includes; The elderly live with their children and grandchildren (family), the family always tries to meet the basic daily needs of the elderly as parents, the PKH assistance for the elderly is used for the elderly's daily needs. escorting the elderly to health facilities, assisting the elderly in carrying out basic ADL, and acting as caregivers, 4) The direction of future PKH development for the elderly is based on the social work practice model, namely comprehensive social protection that relies not only on the provision aspect, but also emphasizes the prevention aspect, promotive and transformative.. Keywords: Elderly, family hope programs, social protection.
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    (Jurnal Ilmiah Pekerjaan Sosial, Sekolah Tinggi Kesejahteraan Sosial Bandung, 2012-11) Tukino, Neni Kusumawardhani, Ella Nurlela, Catur Herry Wibawa, Nurochmi
    Bencana erupsi gunung Merapi yang terjadi pada tahun 2010 telah menimbulkan kerugian baik korban jiwa maupun harta benda. Penduduk yang selamat dari erupsi gunung Merapi, termasuk lanjut usia, tinggal dan hidup di lokasi pengungsian yang disebut sebagai “shelter”, antara lain di Shelter Plosokerep Kecamatan Cangkringan Kabupaten Sleman Provinsi Daerah istimewa Yogyakarta. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengungkapkan: 1) Kondisi fisik, psikologis, sosial lanjut usia yang ada di shelter Plosokerep, 2) Mengetahui hubungan kondisi fisik yang dialami lanjut usia dengan disabilitas fungsionalnya selama tinggal di shelter Plosokerep, 3) Mengetahui hubungan kondisi psikologis yang dialami lanjut usia dengan disabilitas fungsionalnya selama tinggal di shelter Plosokerep, 4) Mengetahui hubungan kondisi sosial yang dialami lanjut usia dengan disabilitas fungsionalnya selama tinggal di shelter Plosokerep. Kata kunci: Lanjut usia korban bencana, biopsikososial, disabilitas fungsional
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    (Social Work Journal, Program Studi Ilmu Kesejahteraan Sosial FISIP UNPAD, 2013-09) Tukino
    Indonesia telah dinyatakan sebagai salah satu negara paling rawan bencana. Menurut International Strategy for Disaster Reduction (ISDR), Indonesia menduduki urutan ke-7 di antara negara-negara yang rawan bencana. Kenyataan terus menunjukkan bagaimana Indonesia tetap rentan terhadap bencana baik yang disebabkan oleh alam seperti gempa bumi, tsunami, gunung meletus dan lainnya maupun non alam seperti banjir, penyakit menular, kebakaran hutan dan lainnya, serta bencana sosial berupa konflik sosial di berbagai daerah. Profesi pekerjaan sosial memiliki peran penting dalam penanggulangan bencana baik pada saat pra bencana, tanggap darurat maupun pasca bencana.
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    (Journal of Law and Sustainable Development (Q2), 2023-11-13) Tukino
    Background: Collaboration in the Big Data era that combines social workers and the elderly is an innovative strategy supporting achieving Indonesia's Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This research aims to explore and analyze the impact of combining social workers and the elderly in Big Data projects on achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in Indonesia. Method: Research methods involve interviews, surveys, and project data analysis involving this cross-generational collaboration. The author collected qualitative data through interviews with social workers and the elderly. Interviews were conducted with structured question guides covering using Big Data in social work, challenges faced, and benefits seen. Quantitative data was collected through surveys distributed to social workers with questions related to the research topic. The author also collected secondary data from previous research reports and related case studies. Results: The research results show that this collaboration contributes positively by collecting more accurate data, empowering the elderly through technology, and making a solid contribution to various SDGs. Conclusion: In facing the complexity of social challenges, combining the experiences of the Elderly with technology becomes an innovative strategy that supports inclusive and sustainable development. Keywords: social workers, elderly, Big Data, innovative strategy, sustainable development goals.
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    PROSES INTERSUBJEKTIVITAS PENGUNGSI ANAK (Studi Fenomenologi Komunikasi Interpersonal Pengungsi Anak Korban Tsunami di Meulaboh)
    (Universitas Padjadjaran Bandung, 2008-03) Tukino
    The research is conducted to reveal : (1) The socialization process through children center’s activities performed by The Salvation Army to help intersubjectivity recovery of children refugees, (2) The resiliency owned by children refugees in imbalanced situation between the problems faced by lack of available facilities in the refugees camp, (3) The intersubjectivity process of children refugees whose parents had passed away and whose parents are still alive, (4) The intersubjectivity process of children refugees living in the refugees camp, and had been living in relocation houses. The research method applied is interpretive approach, by qualitative research design based on case study. The data collecting technique conducted by indepth interview, participation observation and focused group discussion. The data analysis methods applied are the method and resource triangulation, colleagues examination through discussion and qualitative measuring technique. The result of the research shows that intersubjectivity process occurred in the children refugees life as long as to be in the refugees camp is getting better when the children refugees actively involved in children center’s activities.
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    (Forum Perguruan Tinggi untuk Pengurangan Risiko Bencana (FPT PRB), 2019-01) Tukino; Aria Mariany; Sorja Koesuma
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    Komunikasi Pekerjaan Sosial
    (Sekolah Tinggi Kesejahteraan Sosial Bandung, 2018-11) Tukino; Herry Koswara; Nurani Kusnadi; Epi Supiadi; Nurjanah; Eni Rahayu Ningsih
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    Analisis Pengelolaan Sumber Dana Bantuan Sosial
    (Politeknik Kesejahteraan Sosial Bandung, 2023) Ellya Susilowati; Suharma; Lina Favourita; Teta Riasih; Atirista Nainggolan
    Bantuan sosial merupakan pemenuhan hak dari warga rentan, berisiko sehingga mendapatkan perlindungan sosial dan terhindar dari kemiskinan serta permasalahan sosial lainnya. Bantuan sosial dapat berupa berupa uang, barang, atau jasa kepada seseorang, keluarga, kelompok atau masyarakat miskin, tidak mampu, dan/atau rentan terhadap risiko sosial (Permensos no. 1 Th.2019 tentang Penyaluran Belanja Bantuan Sosial di Lingkungan Kementrian Sosial). Risiko sosial merupakan kejadian atau peristiwa yang dapat menimbulkan potensi terjadinya kerentanan sosial yang ditanggung oleh individu, keluarga, kelompok dan/atau masyarakat sebagai dampak krisis sosial, krisis ekonomi, krisis politik, fenomena alam dan bencana alam, yang jika tidak diberikan belanja bantuan sosial akan semakin terpuruk dan tidak dapat hidup dalam kondisi wajar (Pasal 1 angka 16 Permendagri No. 32 Tahun 2011). Bantuan sosial dapat berbentuk bantuan langsung yaitu secara tunai atau berbentuk barang, peneyediaan aksesibilitas, penguatan kelembagaan, dan bantuan pangan non tunai (BPNT). Sumber bantuan sosial dapat berasal dari masyarakat, dunia usaha dan pemerintah. Pengelolaan bantuan sosial menjadi aspek penting sehingga dapat mengefektifkan pelaksanaan bantuan sosial. Buku referensi ini mengantarkan bagaimana pengelolaan bantuan sosial yang dimulai dari pemahaman tentang kemisikinan sebagai dasar terjadinya bantuan sosial, paradigma bantuan sosial, penggalangan dana, konsep 'giving' dalam penggalangan dana, pengumpulan uang dan barang, manajemen bantuan sosial, kebijakan bantuan sosial dan bantuan sosial bagi kelompok rentan.
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    Protection of the elderly in disaster situations in Indonesia
    (IOP Publishing, 2022-01-20) Tukino
    The territory of Indonesia is an area that is prone to disasters, both natural, nonnatural and social disasters. Thus, the elderly in Indonesia live in a situation of threat of disaster. This study uses a secondary data research method with locus is focused on areas of Indonesia where disasters have occurred in the last five years from 2016 to 2020, namely; earthquake in Pidie Jaya, earthquake and tsunami in Lombok, earthquake and tsunami in Palu, social disaster in Mempawah-West Kalimantan, flash floods in Garut, and the Covid-19 disaster. The data collected was then analyzed using document analysis techniques. Our analysis result concluded that the absence of caregiver who specifically provide programmed assistance, makes the elderly feel lonely, stressed and traumatized. Social workers contribute to the handling of the elderly in disaster locations focused on psychosocial support, and advocacy of legislative policies.
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    Protection of the elderly in disaster situations in Indonesia
    (2022-01) Tukino
    The territory of Indonesia is an area that is prone to disasters, both natural, nonnatural and social disasters. Thus, the elderly in Indonesia live in a situation of threat of disaster. This study uses a secondary data research method with locus is focused on areas of Indonesia where disasters have occurred in the last five years from 2016 to 2020, namely; earthquake in Pidie Jaya, earthquake and tsunami in Lombok, earthquake and tsunami in Palu, social disaster in Mempawah-West Kalimantan, flash floods in Garut, and the Covid-19 disaster. The data collected was then analyzed using document analysis techniques. Our analysis result concluded that the absence of caregiver who specifically provide programmed assistance, makes the elderly feel lonely, stressed and traumatized. Social workers contribute to the handling of the elderly in disaster locations focused on psychosocial support, and advocacy of legislative policies.
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    Community preparedness in facing earthquake in disaster-prone areas of the Lembang fault at Pasirlangu Village Cisarua District, West Bandung Regency
    (IOP Publishing, 2022-01-21) Sutrisno Utomo, Tukino
    This research aims to determine the community's preparedness in dealing with earthquake disasters in the Lembang Fault disaster-prone area, Pasirlangu Village, Cisarua District, West Bandung Regency, covering six critical aspects including respondent characteristics, knowledge aspects, policy, emergency response planning, early warning system, and system mobilization resources aspects in dealing with earthquake disasters. This research was using descriptive research method with a quantitative approach. The population in this research was the head of the family of 3,564 people with the Proportional Random Sampling technique and obtained 100 people from 10 communities areas as respondents. The results showed that the community's preparedness in dealing with earthquake disasters was in the moderate to low category with a score of 6,240 out of a total score of 12,400. In Conclusion, the community at Pasirlangu Village as a Disaster-Prone Areas are barely prepared to face the earthquake disaster. The program proposed to solve the problem is “Program Pasirlangu Siap Siaga, Cisarua Tanggap Bencana (Pasaga Cinta)" or the Pasirlangu ReadyAlert Program, Cisarua Disaster-Response which aims to improve community preparedness in dealing with earthquake disasters. The method used is the Community Organization/ Community Developement methods by applying the collaboration techniques, Technology of Participation techniques, and campaigns.
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    Protection of the elderly in disaster situations in Indonesia
    (2022-01-21) Tukino
    The territory of Indonesia is an area that is prone to disasters, both natural, nonnatural and social disasters. Thus, the elderly in Indonesia live in a situation of threat of disaster. This study uses a secondary data research method with locus is focused on areas of Indonesia where disasters have occurred in the last five years from 2016 to 2020, namely; earthquake in Pidie Jaya, earthquake and tsunami in Lombok, earthquake and tsunami in Palu, social disaster in Mempawah-West Kalimantan, flash floods in Garut, and the Covid-19 disaster. The data collected was then analyzed using document analysis techniques. Our analysis result concluded that the absence of caregiver who specifically provide programmed assistance, makes the elderly feel lonely, stressed and traumatized. Social workers contribute to the handling of the elderly in disaster locations focused on psychosocial support, and advocacy of legislative policies
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    Protection of the elderly in disaster situations in Indonesia
    (IOP Publishing, 2020-01) Tukino
    The territory of Indonesia is an area that is prone to disasters, both natural, nonnatural and social disasters. Thus, the elderly in Indonesia live in a situation of threat of disaster. This study uses a secondary data research method with locus is focused on areas of Indonesia where disasters have occurred in the last five years from 2016 to 2020, namely; earthquake in Pidie Jaya, earthquake and tsunami in Lombok, earthquake and tsunami in Palu, social disaster in Mempawah-West Kalimantan, flash floods in Garut, and the Covid-19 disaster. The data collected was then analyzed using document analysis techniques. Our analysis result concluded that the absence of caregiver who specifically provide programmed assistance, makes the elderly feel lonely, stressed and traumatized. Social workers contribute to the handling of the elderly in disaster locations focused on psychosocial support, and advocacy of legislative policies.
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    ABSTRACT AL HUSNA ALIMUN HAKIM: Psychosocial Support For Children Victims of Flood Disasters in Nagari Kampuang Galapuang, Padang Pariaman Regency. Supervisor TUKINO and SILVIA FATMAH NURUSSHOBAH This study aims to find out an in-depth and empirical description of psychosocial support for children who are flood victims in Nagari Kampuang Galapuang, Padang Pariaman Regency which includes aspects of fulfillment of children's rights, psychological support and social support. This research was conducted with a qualitative research approach with a descriptive method. The data collection techniques used were in-depth interviews, observation, and documentation studies. Informants in this research are volunteers and stakeholders and children victims of flood disasters who received the psychosocial support. The results of this research indicate that psychosocial support has been implemented, however, there are still some shortcomings, that during the process of providing psychological support, children do not receive counseling services because there are no professional counseling staff. Furthermore, during the process of providing psychosocial support, parents have less role in restoring children's social functions, due to the lack of awareness and knowledge of parents about the importance of psychosocial support for child victims of disasters. In connection with these problems, the researchers designed the program "Increasing Parents' Knowledge About the Importance of Psychosocial Support for Children Victims of Disasters in Nagari Kampuang Galapuang". The aim of the program is to increase parents' knowledge and awareness of the importance of parents' role in reducing disaster risk for children and the importance of providing psychosocial support for disaster victims in Nagari Kampuang Galapuang. Keywords : Psychosocial Support, Children Disasters Victims and Flood
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    (Politeknik Kesejahteraan Sosial, 2023-02-28) Tukino, Tukino
    The territory of Indonesia is an area that is prone to disasters, both natural, non-natural, and social disasters. The occurrence of various disasters in Indonesia resulted in loss of life and property, damage to educational facilities in the form of collapsing school buildings, and school children who were threatened not being able to carry out learning in class. The National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB) noted that since the earthquake and tsunami in Aceh in 2004, and various disaster events up to 2014, in total more than 300,000 people died and more than 10,000 schools were affected by the disaster, either heavily damaged or collapsed (BNPB: 2014). Children are one of the most vulnerable groups when a disaster occurs. One way to protect children from disasters is to make disaster risk reduction a part of the school curriculum. This study was conducted using secondary data research methods, with the locus of study on data from various parties regarding disaster risk reduction education in schools. The data collected was then analyzed using document analysis techniques. The results of the analysis conclude that social workers are needed in disaster risk reduction in school environment
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    (Perpustakaan, 2023-08-02) NURUL HABIBAH INDRAWATI NRP. 19.04.215
    ABSTRAK NURUL HABIBAH INDRAWATI. 19.04.215. Pemenuhan Kebutuhan Spiritual Warga Binaan Pemasyarakatan Kelompok Rentan di Lembaga Pemasyarakatan Kelas II A Yogyakarta. Dibimbing oleh NURJANAH dan ENI RAHAYUNINGSIH Kebutuhan Spiritual adalah kebutuhan rohani manusia dalam kaitannya dengan aspek-aspek transendental di luar dirinya, kebutuhan untuk berkomunikasi dengan sang Pencipta, keluhan untuk beragama dalam berbagai bentuk dan manifestasinya. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk memperoleh gambaran mengenai: karakteristik informan, pemenuhan kebutuhan ibadah, pemenuhan kebutuhan bimbingan agama dan bimbingan rohani, serta pemenuhan kebutuhan pendidikan budi pekerti informan. Informan dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 7 orang yang terdiri atas Warga Binaan Pemasyarakatan Kelompok Rentan kategori Warga Binaan Pemasyarakatan pidana seumur hidup, pidana mati, penyandang disabilitas dan lanjut usia serta petugas pemasyarakatan. Pendekatan dalam penelitian ini adalah pendekatan kualitatif dengan desain penelitian deskriptif. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah wawancara mendalam, observasi, dan studi dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa pemenuhan kebutuhan spiritual Warga Binaan Pemasyarakatan Kelompok Rentan khususnya Warga Binaan Pemasyarakatan penyandang disabilitas dan lanjut usia di Lembaga Pemasyarakatan Kelas II A Yogyakarta masih kurang terpenuhi dalam beberapa aspek seperti aspek kebutuhan bimbingan agama dan bimbingan rohani, serta aspek kebutuhan pendidikan budi pekerti. Namun pada aspek kebutuhan ibadah sudah dapat terpenuhi dengan baik. Walaupun Warga Binaan Pemasyarakatan penyandang disabilitas dan lanjut usia melaksanakan ibadah secara mandiri. Berdasarkan hasil analisis masalah, kebutuhan, dan sumber, maka peneliti merancang sebuah rencana program pemecahan masalah yaitu, “Peningkatan Kapasitas Spiritual WBP Kelompok Rentan di Lapas Kelas II A Yogyakarta”. Program ini bertujuan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan spiritual WBP kelompok rentan di Lapas Kelas II A Yogyakarta. Metode yang digunakan dalam pelaksanaan program ini adalah metode Social Group Work dengan menggunakan tipe group Educational Group. Analisis kelayakan program menggunakan teknik analisis SWOT (Strength, Weakness, Opportunities, Threats) Kata Kunci : Pemenuhan, Kebutuhan Spiritual, Kelompok Rentan   ABSTRACT NURUL HABIBAH INDRAWATI. 19.04.215. Fulfillment of The Spiritual Needs of Prisoners of Vulnerable Groups in Class II A Correctional Institution Yogyakarta, Lectured by NURJANAH dan ENI RAHAYUNINGSIH Spiritual needs are human spiritual needs in relation to transcendental aspects outside themselves, the need to communicate with the Creator, complaints to religion in its various forms and manifestations. The purpose of this study is to obtain an overview of: informant characteristics, fulfillment of worship needs, fulfillment of religious guidance and spiritual guidance needs, and fulfillment of informant character education needs. The informants in this study amounted to 7 people consisting of Vulnerable Group Prisoners in the categories of life imprisonment, death penalty, persons with disabilities and the elderly and correctional officers. The approach in this research is a qualitative approach with a descriptive research design. The data collection techniques used are in-depth interviews, observation, and documentation studies. The results showed that the fulfillment of the spiritual needs of Vulnerable Group Prisoners, especially Prisoners with disabilities and the elderly at the Class II A Yogyakarta Correctional Institution, was still not fulfilled in several aspects such as aspects of the need for religious guidance and spiritual guidance, as well as aspects of the need for ethical education. However, in the aspect of worship needs can be fulfilled properly. Although prisoners with disabilities and the elderly carry out worship independently. Based on the results of the analysis of problems, needs, and sources, the researchers designed a problem-solving program plan, namely, "Increasing the Spiritual Capacity of Vulnerable Group Prisoners in Class II A Yogyakarta Correctional Institution". This program aims to meet the spiritual needs of vulnerable group prisoners in Class II A Yogyakarta Correctional Facility. The method used in implementing this program is the Social Group Work method using the EducationalGroup group type. Analysis of program feasibility using SWOT analysis techniques (Strength, Weakness, Opportunities, Threats). Keywords: Fulfillment, Spiritual Needs, Vulnerable Groups
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    Wanita dan Risiko HIV/AIDS
    (IDEA Press Yogyakarta, 2019-12-12) Ellya susilowati; Adi Fahrudin
    Book Chapter ini menjelaskan tentang resiko HIV/AIDS pada wanita
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    Peranan Keluarga Menghadapi Pandemi Covid-19 Di Indonesia
    (PT RajaGrafindo Persada, 2020-08-01) Ellya Susilowati
    Chapter ini menjelaskan tentang peranan keluarga dalam menghadapi pandemi Covid19 di Indonesia, dimana pada saat itu semua anggota keluarga berada dirumah sehingga terdapat tantangan bagi keluarga menghadapi era pandemi Covid19.
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    Praktik Rehabilitasi Sosial Tematik
    (Politeknik kesejahteraan Sosial, 2021) Meiti Subardhini; M.Zaenal Hakim; Rini Hartini Rinda; dkk
    Tema yang diangkat dalam berbagai tulisan di buku ini, merupakan bagian pokok bahasan dari Mata Kuliah kajian Praktik Rehabilitasi Sosial pada Prodi Rehabilitasi Sosial Program Sarjana Terapan Poltekesos Bandung. Para Penulis mengangkat berbagai tema tersebut secara rinci dan mendalam, didukung oleh sumber rujukan berdasarkan konsep, teori dan perspektif dari para ahli dan juga hasil kajian dan penelitian terdahulu baik yang dilakukan oleh penulis sendiri maupun peneliti yang lain disertai data empirik secara kualitatif maupun kuantitatif. Hal ini dimungkinkan karena para penulis selain merupakan pengampu Mata Kuliah kajian juga merupakan praktisi dan tenaga ahli yang tergabung didalam Unit Kajian dan Layanan (UKALA) Anak, Disabilitas, Lanjut Usia, Penyalahguna NAPZA, Orang Dengan HIV/AIDS (ODHA), Bencana, dan Keluarga