Impelementasi Layanan Bimbingan Masyarakat Melalui Home Program Terhadap Keluarga Yang Memiliki Penyandang Disabilitas di Rehabilitasi Bersumberdaya Masyarakat (RBM) Kota Bandung.


RATIH DESTI SALSABILA, NRP. 20.03.049 Impelementasi Layanan Bimbingan Masyarakat Melalui Home Program Terhadap Keluarga Yang Memiliki Penyandang Disabilitas di Rehabilitasi Bersumberdaya Masyarakat (RBM) Kota Bandung. Dosen Pembimbing: HELLY OCKTILIA DAN MILLY MILDAWATI. Rehabilitasiۡ Bersumberdayaۡ Masyarakatۡ (RBM)ۡ Kotaۡ Bandungۡ telahۡ menjadiۡ salahۡ satuۡ upayaۡ pentingۡ dalamۡ mendukungۡ keluargaۡ yangۡ memilikiۡ anggotaۡdenganۡpenyandangۡdisabilitas.ۡPenelitianۡiniۡbertujuanۡuntukۡmenganalisisۡ secaraۡ mendalamۡ implementasiۡ layananۡ bimbinganۡ masyarakatۡ melaluiۡ Home Programۡyangۡdiberikanۡkepadaۡkeluargaۡtersebut,ۡdenganۡpenekananۡpadaۡaspekۡ perencanaanۡdanۡpelaksanaan.ۡMetodeۡpenelitianۡyangۡdigunakanۡdalamۡpenelitianۡ iniۡyaituۡdeskriptifۡdenganۡpendekatanۡkualitatif.ۡTeknikۡpengumpulanۡdataۡmelaluiۡ wawancaraۡmendalamۡdanۡstudiۡdokumentasi.ۡInformanۡpenelitianۡterdiriۡdariۡstafۡ RBMۡ kota,ۡ stafۡ RBMۡ Kecamatanۡ Cibeunyingۡ Kidul,ۡ stafۡ RBMۡ Kecamatanۡ Batununggalۡ danۡ stafۡ RBMۡ Kecamatanۡ Sumurۡ Bandung.ۡ Hasilۡ penelitianۡ implementasiۡ layananۡ bimbinganۡ masyarakatۡ melaluiۡ home programۡ terhadapۡ keluargaۡyangۡmemilikiۡpenyandangۡdisabilitasۡ meliputiۡempatۡtahapanۡprosesۡ perencanaanۡuntukۡhomeۡprogramۡyaituۡmenetapkanۡtujuan,ۡmerumuskanۡkeadaanۡ saatۡ ini,ۡ mengidentifikasiۡ kemudahanۡ danۡ hambatan,ۡ mengembangkanۡ rencanaۡ kegiatan.ۡDiۡdalamۡperencanaanۡditemukanۡbahwaۡseluruhۡprosesۡtahapanۡyangۡ dilaksanakanۡtidakۡtertulis/tercetakۡsehinggaۡdalamۡpelaksanaannyaۡmenimbulkanۡ kendalaۡdiۡlapanganۡyangۡbervariasi.ۡKemudianۡpelaksanaanۡhome programۡditelitiۡ dariۡketercapaianۡperencanaan,ۡketercukupanۡkebutuhan,ۡdanۡpemanfaatanۡpotensiۡ danۡ sumberۡ daya.ۡ Diۡ dalamۡ pelaksanaanۡ home program,ۡ ditemukanۡ bahwaۡ pelaksanaannyaۡ masihۡ mengalamiۡ beberapaۡ kendalaۡ yangۡ dimanaۡ diۡ setiapۡ kecamatanۡ berbedaۡ kendalaۡ yangۡ disebabkanۡ olehۡ perencanaanۡ yangۡ kurangۡ matang.ۡBerdasarkanۡanalisisۡhasilۡpenelitian,ۡpenelitiۡmengusulkanۡprogramۡuntukۡ mengatasiۡ permasalahanۡ yangۡ munculۡ denganۡ namaۡ programۡ “Optimalisasiۡ ManajemenۡLayananۡHomeۡProgramۡdiۡRehabilitasiۡBersumberdayaۡMasyarakatۡ (RBM)ۡKotaۡBandung.” Kata Kunci : Implementasi, Layanan Bimbingan, Penyandang Disabilitas, Rehabilitasi Bersumberdaya Masyarakat (RBM) ABSTRACT RATIH DESTI SALSABILA, NRP. 20.03.049 Implementation of Community Guidance Services Through Home Programs for Families with Persons with Disabilities at Rehabilitasi Bersumberdaya Masyarakat (RBM) Bandung City. Supervisors: HELLY OCKTILIA AND MILLY MILDAWATI. The Bandung City Rehabilitasi Bersumberdaya Masyarakat (RBM) has become one of the important efforts in supporting families who have members with disabilities. This study aims to analyze in depth the implementation of community guidance services through home programs provided to these families, with an emphasis on aspects of planning and implementation. The research method used in this study is qualitative with data collection techniques through in-depth interviews and documentation studies. The research informants consisted of city RBM staff, Cibeunying Kidul Sub-district RBM staff, Batununggal Sub-district RBM staff and Sumur Bandung Sub-district RBM staff. The results of research on the implementation of community guidance services through home programs for families who have people with disabilities include four stages of the planning process for home programs, namely setting goals, formulating the current situation, identifying facilities and obstacles, developing activity plans. In planning, it was found that the entire process of the stages carried out was not written / printed so that in its implementation it caused obstacles in the field that varied. Then the implementation of the home program was examined from the achievement of planning, adequacy of needs, and utilization of potential and resources. In the implementation of the home program, it was found that the implementation still experienced several obstacles, which in each sub-district were different obstacles caused by less careful planning. Based on the analysis of the research results, the researcher proposes a program to overcome the problems that arise with the program name "Optimizing Home Program Service Management in Rehabilitasi Bersumberdaya Masyarakat (RBM) Bandung City”. Keywords: Implementation, Guidance Services, Persons with Disabilities, Rehabilitasi Bersumberdaya Masyarakat (RBM)



Implementasi, Layanan Bimbingan, Penyandang Disabilitas, Rehabilitasi Bersumberdaya Masyarakat (RBM)
