WDEP+AC Reality Therapy for Increasing SelfControl of Drug Abuse Victims at the Sekar Mawar Foundation, Bandung.
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UMMUL KHAIR, 2201030. WDEP+AC Reality Therapy for Increasing SelfControl of Drug Abuse Victims at the Sekar Mawar Foundation,
Bandung. Supervisior: Epi Supiadi and Moch. Zaenal Hakim.
WDEP+AC reality therapy is therapy with the Want, Doing, Evaluation, Planning,
Acceptance and Commitment procedures. WDEP+AC reality therapy is a
development of Want, Doing, Evaluation Reality Therapy. WDEP+AC Reality
Therapy uses a cognitive approach which aims to analyze the effect of WDEP+AC
reality therapy on increasing the self-control of drug abuse victims at the Sekar
Mawar Foundation. The specific aim of this research is to analyze the level of selfcontrol of drug abuse victims before, during and after the implementation of
WDEP+AC Reality Therapy. This research uses a single subject design (SSD)
quantitative approach with an experimental model. with Reversal A-B-A design. The
target behavior observed is lazy behavior, unable to express himself, and easily
distracted/unable to determine priorities. The instruments used were observation,
interviews, questionnaires and documentation studies. The subjects were three
victims of drug abuse at the Sekar Mawar Foundation. The results of baseline A1
observation, the percentage of research stability for the three subjects was 20-60%,
baseline A1 can be considered unstable. Intervention (B) The percentage of research
stability for the three subjects ranged from 50-83%. Baselibe A2 observation results
from the three subjects have a stability range of 80-100% which is considered stable.
Based on the results of data analysis, it was concluded that WDEP+AC Reality
Therapy was effective in increasing the self-control of drug abuse victims at the Sekar
Mawar Foundation. This is proven by the decrease in the behavior of the three
research subjects, namely ES, DK, and BG. WDEP+AC Reality Therapy can be a
reference in refining the concept of reality therapy and contributes to the development
of a reality therapy model in social work practice with drugs..
Keywords: Victims of Drug Abuse, Self-Control, WDEP+AC
UMMUL KHAIR, 2201030. Terapi Realitas WDEP+AC Terhadap Peningkatan
Kontrol Diri Korban Penyalahgunaan Napza Di Yayasan Sekar Mawar
Bandung. Dosen Pembimbing: Epi Supiadi dan Moch. Zaenal Hakim.
Terapi realitas WDEP+AC adalah terapi dengan prosedur Want, Doing,
Evaluation, Planing, Acceptance, dan Commitment. Terapi realitas WDEP+AC
merupakan pengembangan Terapi Realitas Want, Doing, Evaluation. Terapi Realitas
WDEP+AC menggunakan pendekatan kognitif yang bertujuan menganalisis
pengaruh terapi realitas WDEP+AC terhadap peningkatan kontrol diri korban
penyalahgunaan napza di Yayasan Sekar Mawar. Tujuan khusus penelitian ini yaitu
menganalisis tingkat kontrol diri korban penyalahgunaan napza sebelum, selama dan
setelah Terapi Realitas WDEP+AC. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain Single
subject Design (SSD) pendekatan kuantitatif dengan model eksperimen. dengan
desain Reversal A-B-A. Perilaku sasaran yang di observasi yaitu perilaku malas,
tidak dapat mengekpresikan dirinya, dan mudah terdistraksi/tidak dapat menentukan
prioritas. Instrumen yang digunakan yaitu observasi, wawancara, kuesioner dan studi
dokumentasi. Subjek yaitu tiga orang korban penyalahgunaan napza di Yayasan
Sekar Mawar. Hasil observasi baseline A1 persentase stabilitas penelitian dari ketiga
subjek sebesar 20-60%, baseline A1 dapat dianggap tidak stabil. Interveni (B)
persentase stabilitas penelitian dari ketiga subjek rentang stabilitas sebesar 50-83%.
Hasil observasi baselibe A2 dari ketiga subjek rentang stabilitas sebesar 80-100%
yang dianggap stabil. Berdasarkan hasil analisa data disimpulkan bahwa Terapi
Realitas WDEP+AC efektif untuk meningkatkan kontrol diri korban penyalahgunaan
napza di Yayasan Sekar Mawar. Dibuktikan dengan penurunan perilaku ketiga orang
subjek penelitian yaitu ES, DK, dan BG. Terapi Realitas WDEP+AC dapat menjadi
referensi dalam penyempurnaan konsep terapi realitas dan berkontribusi dalam
memberikan pengembangan model terapi realitas dalam praktik pekerjaan sosial
dengan NAPZA.
Kata Kunci: Korban Penyalahgunaan Napza, Kontrol Diri, WDEP+AC
Korban Penyalahgunaan Napza, Kontrol Diri, WDEP+AC