Social Protection Of Child Victims Of Terrorism Network In Indonesia

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Vegueta. Anuario de la Facultad de Geografía e Historia


Children of victims of terrorist networks are at risk of being stigmatized, neglected and exposed toterrorism so they need special social protection from the government. This study aims to describe how the social protection of child victims of terrorism networks in Indonesia includes access to meeting basic needs, education, health services, and special protection services. This research was conducted through a survey of ex-terror convicts as parents of children through a Google form link which was distributed by snowball from their network group which was filled in by 34 respondents. To complete the data, Focus Group Discussions (FGD) were also carried out for ex-terrorism groups in five regions in Indonesia through the Social Welfare Institutions (LKS) who coached them. This research also conducted interviews with child social workers, teachers at schools for children who were victims of terrorism, bureaucrats who treat children who are victims of terrorism, heads of foundations, and children who have been exposed to terrorism and are currently receiving social rehabilitation services, as well as parents of children. The results of the study show the following: (1) there are almost 50% of children with problems related to where they live, because they often move around due to the stigma in society; (2) there are still 21% of children under five who do not have access to health services because their families are afraid of services: (3) 58% have barriers to education costs; (4) 14.70% did not have birth certificates; and 62% had the trauma of seeing their father being arrested in plain sight. The conclusion of this study is that children born to families of terrorist networks tend to experience growth and development disorders and their rights as children are not fulfilled. Recommendations for the results of this study gave birth to a service model design for children of victims of terrorism networks in Indonesia.



