Peran Pekerja Sosial Dalam Program Rehabilitasi Terpadu Return to Duty Bagi Personel TNI Penyandang Disabilitas di Pusat Rehabilitasi Kementerian Pertahanan RI.
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YORDAN FITRAH KOMARA, 20.02.038. Peran Pekerja Sosial Dalam
Program Rehabilitasi Terpadu Return to Duty Bagi Personel TNI
Penyandang Disabilitas di Pusat Rehabilitasi Kementerian
Pertahanan RI. Dibimbing oleh MOCH. ZAENAL HAKIM dan
Personel TNI yang mengalami kondisi kedisabilitasan akibat kecelakaan kerja yang
dialami ketika bertugas seringkali mengalami permasalahan dari berbagai aspek
kehidupannya. Pusat Rehabilitasi Kementerian Pertahanan RI hadir untuk
membantu para personel TNI penyandang disabilitas agar bisa memulihkan rasa
percaya diri dan mampu melaksanakan fungsi sosialnya kembali. Tujuan penelitian
ini untuk mengetahui peran pekerja sosial dalam program rehabilitasi terpadu
return to duty bagi personel TNI penyandang disabilitas di Pusat Rehabilitasi
Kementerian Pertahanan. Metode yang digunakan yaitu pendekatan kualitatif
dalam bentuk deskriptif dan teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah
wawancara mendalam, observasi dan studi dokumentasi. Sumber data yang
digunakan adalah sumber data primer dan sekunder. Penentuan sumber data dalam
penelitian ini menggunakan purposive, dan mendapatkan hasil berjumlah tujuh
informan terdiri dari tiga pekerja sosial, satu supervisor pekerja sosial, satu
instruktur vokasional musik dan dua klien peserta rehabilitasi. Pemeriksa
keabsahan data menggunakan kredibilitas melalui perpanjangan pengamatan,
triangulasi sumber, triangulasi teknik, triangulasi waktu, serta melakukan
pengecekan data. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa pekerja sosial menerapkan
peran-peran sesuai dengan teori atau konsep yang ada, namun masih terdapat
hambatan dan permasalahan berupa pelaksanaan tahapan perencanaan oleh pekerja
sosial yang belum optimal dan keterbatasan sumber daya manusia pekerja sosial
yang ada di Pusat Rehabilitasi Kementerian Pertahanan RI. Program yang diusulkan
yaituِ “Pengembangan Kapasitas Pekerja Sosial”.ِ Programِ iniِ bertujuanِ untukِ
meningkatkan efektivitas dan efisiensi program rehabilitasi terpadu Return to Duty
di Pusat Rehabilitasi Kementerian Pertahanan RI melalui optimalisasi proses
pelaksanaan rehabilitasi terpadu oleh pekerja sosial dan peningkatan kapasitas serta
efisiensi pekerja sosial.
Kata Kunci: Rehabilitasi, Peran Pekerja Sosial, Penyandang Disabilitas
YORDAN FITRAH KOMARA, 20.02.038. The Role of Social Workers in the
Return to Duty Integrated Rehabilitation Program for TNI Personnel with
Disabilities at the Indonesian Ministry of Defence Rehabilitation Centre.
TNI personnel who experience disabilities due to work accidents experienced while
on duty often experience problems from various aspects of their lives. The
Rehabilitation Centre of the Indonesian Ministry of Defence is present to assist TNI
personnel with disabilities in order to restore self-confidence and be able to carry
out their social functions again. The purpose of this study was to determine the role
of social workers in the return to duty integrated rehabilitation programme for TNI
personnel with disabilities at the Ministry of Defence Rehabilitation Centre. The
method used is a qualitative approach in descriptive form and the data collection
techniques used are in-depth interviews, observation and documentation studies.
The data sources used are primary and secondary data sources. Determination of
data sources in this study used purposive, and obtained the results of seven
informants consisting of three social workers, one social worker supervisor, one
vocational music instructor and two rehabilitation participant clients. Checking the
validity of data using credibility through extended observation, source
triangulation, technical triangulation, time triangulation, and checking data. The
results showed that social workers apply roles in accordance with existing theories
or concepts, but there are still obstacles and problems in the form of the
implementation of the planning stages by social workers that are not optimal and
the limited human resources of social workers at the Ministry of Defence
Rehabilitation Centre. The proposed programme is "Social Worker Capacity
Building". This programme aims to increase the effectiveness and efficiency of the
Return to Duty integrated rehabilitation programme at the Ministry of Defence
Rehabilitation Centre through optimising the process of implementing integrated
rehabilitation by social workers and increasing the capacity and efficiency of social
Keywords: Rehabilitation, Role of Social Workers, Persons with Disabilities.
Rehabilitasi, Peran Pekerja Sosial, Penyandang Disabilitas