ResiliensiKeluargaDalamMewujudkanKelurahanBersihNarkobaOlehBadanNarkotikaNasional di Kota TegalProvinsiJawa Tengah
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DEFI AYU LESTARI, 19.02.006. ResiliensiKeluargaDalamMewujudkanKelurahanBersihNarkobaOlehBadanNarkotikaNasional di Kota TegalProvinsiJawa Tengah.DosenPembimbing :BapakAamMuharamdanIbu Ella Nurlela
PenelitianinibertujuanuntukmengidentifikasiResiliensiKeluargadalamMewujudkanKelurahanBersihNarkobaolehBadanNarkotikaNasional di Kota TegalProvinsiJawa Tengah.Mencakup: (1) KarakteristikResponden; (2) SistemKepercayaan (Belief System) dalamMewujudkanKelurahanBersihNarkoba; (3) PolaOrganisasi (Family Organization Pattern) dalamMewujudkanKelurahanBersihNarkoba; (4) Komunikasi (Communications) dalamMewujudkanKelurahanBersihNarkoba. Metode yang digunakandalampenelitianiniadalahpendekatankuantitaifdenganmetodedeskriptif.Jumlahrespondendalampenelitianiniberjumlah 85 orang.Penarikansampeldilakukandenganmenggunakantekniksampling jenuh.Teknikpengumpulan data digunakanadalahskalalikert.Adapunujivaliditasalatukurmenggunakanvaliditasisi (content validity) danujireliabilitasmenggunakanujistatistikAlpha Cornbach.Teknikpengumpulan data yang digunakanadalah (1) Angket; (2) Observasi; (3) StudiDokumentasi. Hail penelitianmenunjukanbahwaaspeksistemkepercayaan (belief system) sebesar 91,40 %; apekpolaorganisasi (Family Organization Pattern) sebesar 89,70% danaspekkomunikasi (communications) sebesar 86,40 % ketigaaspektersebutmasukkedalamkategorisangattinggidalammewujudkanKelurahanbersihnarkoba. Berdasarkananalisismasalahdananalisiskebutuhanpenelitimengusulkan program “OptimalisasiKetahananKeluargamelaluiPeningkatankomunikasidanpartisipasisatgas anti narkoba di KelurahanBersinar Kota Tegal”.
Kata Kunci :Resiliensikeluarga, Kelurahanbersihnarkoba.
DEFI AYU LESTARI, 19.02.006. Family Resilience in Realizing Drug-Free Village by National Narcotics Agency in Tegal City, Central Java Province. Advisors: Mr.AamMuharamand Ms. Ella Nurlela
This study aims to identify Family Resilience in Realizing Drug-Free Village by the National Narcotics Board in Tegal City, Central Java Province. Includes: (1) Characteristics of Respondents; (2) Belief System in Realizing Drug-Free Village; (3) Family Organization Pattern in Realizing Drug-Free Village; (4) Communications in Realizing Drug-Free Village. The method used in this research is a quantitative approach with descriptive methods. The number of respondents in this study amounted to 85 people. Sample withdrawal was carried out using saturated sampling technique. The data collection technique used was a Likert scale. The validity test of the measuring instrument uses content validity and the reliability test uses the Alpha Cornbach statistical test. The data collection techniques used are (1) Questionnaire; (2) Observation; (3) Documentation Study. The results showed that the belief system aspect was 91.40%; the Family Organization Pattern aspect was 89.70% and the communications aspect was 86.40%. The three aspects fell into a very high category in realizing a clean drug village. Based on the problem analysis and needs analysis, the researcher proposed a program "Optimizing Family Resilience through Improving communication and participation of anti-drug task force in Bersinar Village, Tegal City".
Keywords: family resilience, clean drug village.