Browsing by Author "Ella Nurlela"
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Item Metode therapeutic Community dalam Menekan Relapse Korban Penyalahgunaan Napza di institusi penerima wajib Lapor (IPWL) Yayasan sekar mawar Lembang(Perpustakaan, 2024-09-26) Izudin Zaelani 20.02023; Ella Nurlela; Sinta Yulianti SuyonoItem PERAN PEKERJA SOSIAL DALAM PENDAMPINGAN PROSES PERADILAN ANAK BERHADAPAN DENGAN HUKUM DI SENTRA HANDAYANI JAKARTA(Perpustakaan, 2024-08-13) Putri Adisti Shalsabilla 20.02.040; Ella Nurlela; Sinta Yulianti SuyonoItem PERAWATAN SOSIAL LANJUT USIA OLEH KELUARGA DI DESA KEMLOKOLEGI(2022-08-26) Mohammad Iqba; Tukino; Ella NurlelaThis study aims to obtain an overview of the process of caring for the elderly by families in Kemlokolegi Village. Social care for the elderly is a series of processes of care activities aimed at the elderly, including assessment activities by taking into account the needs of biological, psychological, and spiritual aspects. This research consists of three aspects, namely activity of daily living (ADL), occupational and vocational. This research method is a descriptive method with a qualitative approach. This data collection is through in-depth interviews, observation, and documentation. Techniques in data collection using data triangulation. The sample in this study was 10 elderly people in Kemlokolegi Village. The results of this study indicate that the majority of families are not ready to provide social care for the elderly because there is no clear understanding of how the process of social care for the elderly should work. In an effort to increase family understanding and awareness in social care for the elderly, the researchers designed a program proposal, namely "Socialization of elderly social care by families through education and role modeling in Kemlokolegi Village." The existence of this proposed program design is expected to increase the understanding of elderly families in the effort to provide social care in Kemlokolegi Village. Keywords: Social Care, Elderly, FamilyItem Program Pelatihan Vokasional Bagi Korban Penyalahgunaan Napza Di Sentra Satria Baturraden.(Perpustakaan, 2024-03-06) HANISMARA IMANDANI TSAQIF, 19.02.046.; Ella Nurlela; Aam MuharamABSTRAK HANISMARA IMANDANI TSAQIF, 19.02.046. Program Pelatihan Vokasional Bagi Korban Penyalahgunaan Napza Di Sentra Satria Baturraden. Dosen Pembimbing: Ella Nurlela dan Aam Muharam. Pelatihan vokasional merupakan suatu sistem pelayanan yang tersedia didalam Lembaga Kesejahteraan Sosial (LKS) maupun Sentra yang memegang peranan penting dalam peningkatan kapastitas diri individu seperti aspek kemandirian, minat dan bakat, dan keterampilan. Bagi korban penyalahgunaan napza. Disisi lain, pelatihan vokasional menjadi sarana bagi korban penyalahgunaan napza yang berada di dalam LKS maupun Sentra untuk belajar tentang keterampilan sosial dalam bermasyarakat.Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode wawancara dan teknik purposive sampling. Tujuan dari penlitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui program pelatihan vokasional terhadap aspek kemandirian, minat dan bakat, dan keterampilan korban penyalahgunaan napza yang berada di Sentra Satria Baturraden. Pelatihan vokasional yang dilaksanakan bagi korban penyalahgunaan napza menunjukkan hasil yang cukup baik. Aspek kemandirian, minat dan bakat, dan keterampilan didalam diri korban penyalahgunaan napza terasah dengan baik. Namun, aspek minat dan bakat masih perlu dimaksimalkan kembali, agar korban penyalahgunaan napza dapat pulih dan menjalani kehidupan seperti sediakala. Oleh karena itu, peneliti mengusulkan program guna memaksimalkan minat dan bakat penerima manfaat yaitu Pengembangan Program Keterampilan Aspek Minat dan Bakat Melalui Mitra Pelayanan Sentra Satria Baturraden di Sentra Satria Baturraden dengan tujuan menambah peluang usaha dan bekerja serta memberikan penguatan untuk menahan diri atau absteinence dengan perilaku asertif serta memaksimalkan minat dan bakat. Kata kunci: Program, Korban Penyalahgunaan Napza, Pelatihan Vokasional. ABSTRACT HANISMARA IMANDANI TSAQIF, 19.02.046. Program Pelatihan Vokasional Bagi Korban Penyalahgunaan Napza Di Sentra Satria Baturraden. Dosen Pembimbing: Ella Nurlela dan Aam Muharam. Vocational training is a service system available in Social Welfare Institutions (LKS) and Centers that play an important role in increasing individual capabilities such as aspects of independence, interests and talents, and skills. For victims of drug abuse. On the other hand, vocational training is a means for victims of drug abuse who are in LKS and Sentra to learn about social skills in society.This research uses a qualitative approach with interview methods and purposive sampling techniques. The purpose of this research is to find out the vocational training program on aspects of independence, interests and talents, and skills of victims of drug abuse who are in Sentra Satria Baturraden. Vocational training for victims of drug abuse showed good results. The aspects of independence, interests and talents, and skills in victims of drug abuse are well honed. However, the interest and talent aspects still need to be maximized, so that victims of drug abuse can recover and live their lives as before. Therefore, the program in the proposed research to maximize the interests and talents of beneficiaries is Development of Skills Program for Interest and Talent Aspects through Service Partners of Sentra Satria Baturraden with the aim of increasing business and employment opportunities and providing reinforcement for self-restraint or abstinence with assertive behavior and maximizing interests and talents. Keywords: Program, Victims of Drug Abuse, Vocational Training.Item ResiliensiKeluargaDalamMewujudkanKelurahanBersihNarkobaOlehBadanNarkotikaNasional di Kota TegalProvinsiJawa Tengah(Perpustakaan, 2023-08-09) DEFI AYU LESTARI, 19.02.006; AamMuharam; Ella NurlelaABSTRAK DEFI AYU LESTARI, 19.02.006. ResiliensiKeluargaDalamMewujudkanKelurahanBersihNarkobaOlehBadanNarkotikaNasional di Kota TegalProvinsiJawa Tengah.DosenPembimbing :BapakAamMuharamdanIbu Ella Nurlela PenelitianinibertujuanuntukmengidentifikasiResiliensiKeluargadalamMewujudkanKelurahanBersihNarkobaolehBadanNarkotikaNasional di Kota TegalProvinsiJawa Tengah.Mencakup: (1) KarakteristikResponden; (2) SistemKepercayaan (Belief System) dalamMewujudkanKelurahanBersihNarkoba; (3) PolaOrganisasi (Family Organization Pattern) dalamMewujudkanKelurahanBersihNarkoba; (4) Komunikasi (Communications) dalamMewujudkanKelurahanBersihNarkoba. Metode yang digunakandalampenelitianiniadalahpendekatankuantitaifdenganmetodedeskriptif.Jumlahrespondendalampenelitianiniberjumlah 85 orang.Penarikansampeldilakukandenganmenggunakantekniksampling jenuh.Teknikpengumpulan data digunakanadalahskalalikert.Adapunujivaliditasalatukurmenggunakanvaliditasisi (content validity) danujireliabilitasmenggunakanujistatistikAlpha Cornbach.Teknikpengumpulan data yang digunakanadalah (1) Angket; (2) Observasi; (3) StudiDokumentasi. Hail penelitianmenunjukanbahwaaspeksistemkepercayaan (belief system) sebesar 91,40 %; apekpolaorganisasi (Family Organization Pattern) sebesar 89,70% danaspekkomunikasi (communications) sebesar 86,40 % ketigaaspektersebutmasukkedalamkategorisangattinggidalammewujudkanKelurahanbersihnarkoba. Berdasarkananalisismasalahdananalisiskebutuhanpenelitimengusulkan program “OptimalisasiKetahananKeluargamelaluiPeningkatankomunikasidanpartisipasisatgas anti narkoba di KelurahanBersinar Kota Tegal”. Kata Kunci :Resiliensikeluarga, Kelurahanbersihnarkoba. ABSTRAK DEFI AYU LESTARI, 19.02.006. Family Resilience in Realizing Drug-Free Village by National Narcotics Agency in Tegal City, Central Java Province. Advisors: Mr.AamMuharamand Ms. Ella Nurlela This study aims to identify Family Resilience in Realizing Drug-Free Village by the National Narcotics Board in Tegal City, Central Java Province. Includes: (1) Characteristics of Respondents; (2) Belief System in Realizing Drug-Free Village; (3) Family Organization Pattern in Realizing Drug-Free Village; (4) Communications in Realizing Drug-Free Village. The method used in this research is a quantitative approach with descriptive methods. The number of respondents in this study amounted to 85 people. Sample withdrawal was carried out using saturated sampling technique. The data collection technique used was a Likert scale. The validity test of the measuring instrument uses content validity and the reliability test uses the Alpha Cornbach statistical test. The data collection techniques used are (1) Questionnaire; (2) Observation; (3) Documentation Study. The results showed that the belief system aspect was 91.40%; the Family Organization Pattern aspect was 89.70% and the communications aspect was 86.40%. The three aspects fell into a very high category in realizing a clean drug village. Based on the problem analysis and needs analysis, the researcher proposed a program "Optimizing Family Resilience through Improving communication and participation of anti-drug task force in Bersinar Village, Tegal City". Keywords: family resilience, clean drug village.