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Item Implementasi Terapi Realitas Dengan Modeling Dalam Mengatasi Motivasi Belajar Anak Rentan Putus Sekolah di Yayasan Usaha Mulia Cipanas Cianjur.(Perpustakaan, 2024-10-10) AZKA IZDAD MUTTAQIN. NRP. 22.01.010; Ellya Susilowati; Uke Hani RasalwatiAZKA IZDAD MUTTAQIN. NRP. 22.01.010 Implementasi Terapi Realitas Dengan Modeling Dalam Mengatasi Motivasi Belajar Anak Rentan Putus Sekolah di Yayasan Usaha Mulia Cipanas Cianjur. Dibimbing oleh: Ellya Susilowati dan Uke Hani Rasalwati Terapi realitas dengan modeling WDEPC+M adalah hasil rekayasa teknologi terapi psikososial dengan memodifikasi langkah-langkah terapi realitas WDEPC bertujuan menjadi lebih efektif dengan adanya pelibatan peer group dan sosok figure yang dapat menginspirasi anak. Terapi realitas WDEPC+M digunakan untuk menangani perrmasalahan anak rentan putus sekolah dengan isu motivasi belajar rendah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan hasil implementasi dari rekayasa teknologi terapi realitas WDEPC+M terhadap peningkatan motivasi belajar anak rentan putus sekolah. penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan Single Subject Design (SSD) jenis reversal yang digunakan adalah A-B-A. subjek dalam penelitian ini adakah GW, NA, dan SW. Perilaku sasaran yang diobservasi dalam penelitian ini terkait dengan motivasi belajar yaitu malas bersekolah, mudah putus asa dalam belajar, malas mengerjakan tugas atau pr. Uji validitas alat ukur menggunakan percent agreement. Kemudian analisis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah analisis visual yang terdiri dari analisis dalam kondisi dan antar kondisi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terapi realitas WDEPC+M berpengaruh terhadap peningkatan motivasi belajar subjek penelitian yaitu anak rentan putus sekolah yang dapat diketahui melalui analisis kecenderungan data dengan trend meningkat dan persentase data overlap pada analisis antar kondisi berada di bawah 90% karena semakin kecil persentase data overlap, semakin kuat pengaruh intervensi terhadap perubahan perilaku subjek penelitian. Kata Kunci: Terapi Realitas, Modeling, Motivasi Belajar, Anak Rentan Putus Sekolah ABSTRACT AZKA IZDAD MUTTAQIN. NRP. 22.01.010 Implementation of Reality Therapy with Modeling in Overcoming Learning Motivation of Children Prone to Dropping Out of School at Yayasan Usaha Mulia Cipanas Cianjur. Supervised by: Ellya Susilowati and Uke Hani Rasalwati Reality therapy with WDEPC+M modeling is the result of engineering psychosocial therapy technology by modifying the steps of WDEPC reality therapy aimed at being more effective with the involvement of peer groups and figures who can inspire children. WDEPC+M reality therapy is used to deal with the problems of children who are vulnerable to dropping out of school with the issue of low learning motivation. This study aims to explain the results of the implementation of WDEPC+M reality therapy technology engineering on increasing the learning motivation of children who are vulnerable to dropping out of school. This study uses a quantitative approach with Single Subject Design (SSD) the type of reversal used is A-B-A. the subjects in this study were GW, NA, and SW. The target behavior observed in this study was related to learning motivation, namely being lazy to go to school, easily giving up on learning, being lazy to do assignments or homework. The validity test of the measuring instrument used percent agreement. Then the data analysis used in this study is a visual analysis consisting of analysis in conditions and between conditions. The results of the study indicate that WDEPC+M reality therapy has an effect on increasing the learning motivation of research subjects, namely children who are vulnerable to dropping out of school, which can be seen through the analysis of data trends with increasing trends and the percentage of overlapping data in the analysis between conditions is below 90% because the smaller the percentage of overlapping data, the stronger the influence of the intervention on changes in the behavior of research subjects. Keywords: Reality Therapy, Modeling, Learning Motivation, Children Who Are Vulnerable to Dropping Out