Sikap Keluarga Penerimq Manfaat (KPM) Program Keluarga Harapan (PKH) terhadap Proses Graduasi di Kelurahan Sekeloa Kecamatan Coblong Kota Bandung
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FIORENT SALSABILA MULTON, 1903037, Attitude of Beneficiary Families of
the Family Hope Program towards the Graduation Process in Sekeloa
Village, Coblong Sub-District, Bandung City.
Attitude is a readiness to react to an object in certain ways. This study aims
to determine the Attitude of Beneficiary Families of the Family Hope Program
towards the Graduation Process in Sekeloa Village, Coblong Sub-District,
Bandung City. It focuses on three aspects of attitude measurement: cognitive
aspect, affective aspect, and conative aspect. The research aims to empirically
describe the following: 1. Characteristics of the respondents, 2. Cognitive attitude
of KPM towards PKH and Graduation, 3. Affective attitude of KPM towards PKH
and Graduation, 4. Conative attitude of KPM towards PKH and Graduation. This
research uses a quantitative method with a descriptive approach because the
research aims to obtain a clear picture of the Attitude of Beneficiary Families of
the Family Hope Program towards the Graduation Process. The data collection
technique used in this study is a questionnaire and documentation study. The
determination of the sample in this study uses cluster random sampling. The
sample size in this study is 80 beneficiary families of the Family Hope Program.
The validity of the measurement instrument is tested using face validity, and the
reliability is tested using Cronbach's alpha. The results show that the Attitude of
Beneficiary Families of the Family Hope Program towards the Graduation
Process in terms of cognitive, affective, and conative aspects falls into the
moderate category. Based on the research results and needs analysis, the
researcher proposes a program called "Improving the Knowledge of Beneficiary
Families towards the Graduation Process".
Keywords: Attitude, KPM, PKH, Graduation.
FIORENT SALSABILA MULTON,1903037,Sikap Keluarga Penerima
Manfaat Program Keluarga Harapan terhadap Proses Graduasi
di Kelurahan Sekeloa Kecamatan Coblong Kota Bandung.
Sikap merupakan suatu kesiapan untuk bereaksi terhadap suatu objek dengan
cara-cara tertentu. Pennelitian ini bertujuan untuk mrngetahui Sikap Keluarga
Penerima Manfaat (KPM) Program Keluarga Harapan (PKH) terhadap Proses
Graduasi di Kelurahan Sekeloa Kecamatan Coblong Kota Bandung. Meruju pada
tiga aspek dalam pengukuran sikap yaitu aspek kognitif, aspek afektif dan aspek
konatif. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh gambaran secara empiris
tentang: 1. Karakteristik responden, 2. Kognitif KPM terhadap PKH dan
Graduasi, 3. Afektif KPM terhadap PKH dan Graduasi, 4. Konatif KPM terhadap
PKH dan Graduasi. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif dengan
pendekatan deskriptif dikarenakan tujuan penelitian ingin mendapatkan gambaran
secara jelas tentang Sikap Keluarga Penerima Manfaat Program Keluarga Harapan
terhadap Proses Graduasi. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan dalam
penelitian ini adalah kuesioner (angket) dan studi dokumentasi. Penentuan sampel
dalam penelitian ini menggunakan cluster random sampling. Sampel dalam
penelitian ini berjumlah 80 orang keluarga penerima manfaat program keluarga
harapan. Adapun uji validitas alat ukur menggunakan validitas muka (face
validity) dengan uji reliabilitas menggunakan alpha Cronbach. Hasil penelitian
menunjukan bahwa Sikap Keluarga Penerima Manfaat Program Keluarga
Harapan terhadap Proses Graduasi pada aspek kognitif, afektif dan konatif berada
pada kategori sedang. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dan analisis kebutuhan, maka
peneliti mengusulkan program “Peningkatan Pengetahuan Keluarga Penerima
Manfaat terhadap Proses Graduasi”.
Kata kunci: Sikap, KPM, PKH, Graduasi
Sikap, KPM, PKH, Graduasi