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Item Desain Pengembangan Program Intervensi Berbasis Masyarakat melalui Gerakan Bersama Cegah Kekambuhan Napza.(Perpustakaan, 2024-10-14) ANISA DEWI SETYOWATI, 2201023.; Didiet Widiowati; Helly OcktiliaABSTRAK ANISA DEWI SETYOWATI, 2201023. Desain Pengembangan Program Intervensi Berbasis Masyarakat melalui Gerakan Bersama Cegah Kekambuhan Napza. Dosen Pembimbing : Didiet Widiowati, Helly Ocktilia. Kekambuhan (relapse) merupakan kondisi penggunaan napza kembali pascarehabilitasi. Upaya pencegahan kekambuhan telah dilaksanakan IBM Desa Jayagiri Kabupaten Cianjur Selatan melalui edukasi pada perkumpulan keluarga eks klien. Namun pelaksanaan edukasi tersebut belum melibatkan seluruh keluarga eks klien dan masyarakat sehingga hasilnya belum optimal. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengidentifikasi desain awal, kebutuhan pengembangan, perencanaan pengembangan, implementasi, dan desain akhir Gerakan Bersama Cegah Kekambuhan Napza (GEBRAKAN) guna menciptakan lingkungan yang kondusif bagi pemulihan eks klien pascarehabilitasi yang dilaksanakan berkelanjutan sehingga meminimalisir kekambuhan napza yang terjadi (Continuum Rehabilitation). Metode penelitian menggunakan Participatory Action Research (PAR) dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui focus group discussion, wawancara, observasi, dan studi dokumentasi. Partisipan penelitian meliputi 5 orang eks klien, 5 keluarga eks klien, 14 agen pemulihan IBM, 12 tokoh masyarakat, dan 1 staf BNNK Cianjur. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa implementasi GEBRAKAN melalui serangkaian proses partisipatif dinilai telah mampu menjadi gerakan pencegahan kekambuhan yang dilaksanakan IBM bukan hanya menyasar pada eks klien saja melainkan melibatkan keluarga-keluarga serta masyarakat di sekitar eks klien. Melalui GEBRAKAN, IBM memfokuskan gerakan pada peningkatan pemahaman dan peningkatan akses informasi akan pentingnya pencegahan kekambuhan, peningkatan pengawasan perkembangan pemulihan eks klien pascarehabilitasi, tersedianya media pelaporan jika terjadi indikasi kekambuhan, hingga pelibatan eks klien dalam aktivitas masyarakat. Kata Kunci: Intervensi Berbasis Masyarakat, Relapse, Napza, Rehabilitasi Berkelanjutan. ABSTRACT ANISA DEWI SETYOWATI, 2201023. Design of the Community-Based Intervention Development Program through the Joint Movement to Prevent Drug Relapse. Supervisor: Didiet Widiowati, Dr. Helly Ocktilia. Relapse is a condition of using drugs after rehabilitation. Relapse prevention efforts have been implemented by IBM Jayagiri Village, South Cianjur Regency, through education at ex-client family associations. However, the education has not involved all ex-client families and the community so the results have not been optimal. The purpose of this study is to identify the initial design, development needs, development planning, implementation, and final design of the Joint Movement to Prevent Drug Relapse to create an environment conducive to the recovery of ex-clients after rehabilitation which is carried out continuously to minimize relapse that occurs (Continuum Rehabilitation). The research method used Participatory Action Research (PAR) with a qualitative approach. Data collection was carried out through focus group discussions, interviews, observations, and documentation studies. Research participants included 5 ex-clients, 5 families of ex-clients, 14 IBM recovery agents, 12 community leaders, and 1 BNNK Cianjur staff. The results showed that the implementation of GEBRAKAN through a series of participatory processes was considered to have been able to become a relapse prevention movement carried out by IBM not only targeting ex-clients but involving families and communities around ex-clients. Through GEBRAKAN, IBM focuses on increasing understanding and improving access to information on the importance of relapse prevention, of the importance of relapse prevention, increasing supervision of the progress of ex-client recovery after rehabilitation, the availability of reporting media if there are indications of relapse, and involving ex-clients in community activities. Keywords: Community Based Intervention, Relapse, Drugs, Continuum Rehabilitation.