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Item Assessment Techniques and Relation Culture: As a Basis for Restorative Justice Decision Making for Elderly Criminals(2024-06-16) TukinoElderly as a vulnerable group require a special approach in the legal process that considers humanitarian, health, and social aspects. Restorative justice offers an alternative solution outside the conventional justice system with a focus on restoring social relationships and rehabilitation. This study aims to analyze the use of assessment techniques and relational culture as a basis for decision-making in the application of restorative justice for elderly criminals. This study uses a qualitative approach with a descriptive method. The results of the study indicate that the application of criminal law to the elderly requires special attention to their vulnerable physical and psychological conditions, considering that prisons are often ineffective and can even worsen their condition. The restorative justice approach is considered a more humane solution, focusing on recovery and rehabilitation rather than retributive punishment. This approach takes into account the age, health, and financial capabilities of the elderly and offers alternatives such as mediation and compensation, with the aim of ensuring a fair and proportional settlement. Relational culture-based assessment techniques play an important role in restorative justice decisions, by providing an in-depth understanding of the cultural norms and social relationships of the elderly. This technique helps adapt the restorative justice process to local customs, pay attention to the impact of decisions on the elderly's social networks, and ensure that decisions support the rehabilitation and social integration of the elderlyItem "Efektivitas Program Pojok Baca Digital (POCADI) dalam Meningkatkan Keterampilan Membaca dan Menulis Melalui Literasi Digital Penerima Manfaat di Sentra Terpadu Pangudi Luhur Kota Bekasi"(Perpustakaan, 2024-10-02) IZZUL FIKRI, 20.02.056.; Tukino; Sulistyary Ardiyantika.IZZUL FIKRI, NRP 20.02.056. "The Effectiveness of the Digital Reading Corner (POCADI) Program in Improving Reading and Writing Skills through Digital Literacy of Beneficiaries at the Pangudi Luhur Integrated Center, Bekasi City”. Supervisors: Tukino and Sulistyary Ardiyantika. This study aims to analyze: 1) Program Understanding, 2) Target Accuracy, 3) Timeliness, 4) Goal Achievement, and 5) Real Change. The research method used is descriptive quantitative, with data obtained through questionnaires, documentation studies, and observations. Respondents of this study amounted to 52 beneficiaries at the Pangudi Luhur Integrated Center. The results showed that the Digital Reading Corner Program was quite effective in improving the reading and writing literacy skills of the beneficiaries, with a cumulative score of 72.71%. Aspects of program understanding scored 67.94%, target accuracy 64.35%, timeliness 73.07%, goal achievement 80.76%, and real change 82.21%. Although this program is quite effective, this study also identified aspects that need to be improved, especially in the socialization of the program and the target accuracy of human resources. The researcher proposed "Digital Reading Week" as a solution to improve the socialization and assistance of the program. It is hoped that this proposal can improve the shortcomings and increase the effectiveness of the implementation of the Digital Reading Corner at the Pangudi Luhur Bekasi Integrated Center. Keywords: Effectiveness, Digital Literacy , Digital Reading Corner. ABSTRAK IZZUL FIKRI, NRP 20.02.056. "Efektivitas Program Pojok Baca Digital (POCADI) dalam Meningkatkan Keterampilan Membaca dan Menulis Melalui Literasi Digital Penerima Manfaat di Sentra Terpadu Pangudi Luhur Kota Bekasi". Dosen Pembimbing: Tukino dan Sulistyary Ardiyantika. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis: 1) Pemahaman Program, 2) Ketepatan Sasaran, 3) Ketepatan Waktu, 4) Pencapaian Tujuan, dan 5) Perubahan Nyata. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah deskriptif kuantitatif, dengan data yang diperoleh melalui angket, studi dokumentasi, dan observasi. Responden penelitian ini berjumlah 52 penerima manfaat di Sentra Terpadu Pangudi Luhur. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Program Pojok Baca Digital cukup efektif dalam meningkatkan keterampilan literasi Digital penerima manfaat, dengan skor kumulatif 72,71%. Aspek pemahaman program memperoleh skor 67,94%, ketepatan sasaran 64,35%, ketepatan waktu 73,07%, pencapaian tujuan 80,76%, dan perubahan nyata 82,21%. Meskipun program ini cukup efektif, penelitian ini juga mengidentifikasi aspek yang perlu ditingkatkan, terutama dalam sosialisasi program dan ketepatan sasaran sumber daya manusia. Peneliti mengusulkan "Pekan Baca Digital" sebagai solusi untuk meningkatkan sosialisasi dan pendampingan program. Diharapkan usulan ini dapat memperbaiki kekurangan dan meningkatkan efektivitas pelaksanaan Pojok Baca Digital di Sentra Terpadu Pangudi Luhur Bekasi. Kata Kunci: Efektivitas, Literasi Digital, Pojok Baca Digital.Item Hubungan Antara Konsep Diri dengan Interaksi Sosial Pada Gay di Kota Magelang. 2023. Politeknik Kesejahteraan Sosial Bandung.(Perpustakaan, 2024-01-02) DEWI SHOFIYAH. 1902029.; Tukino; Uke Hani RasalwatiDEWI SHOFIYAH. 1902029. Hubungan Antara Konsep Diri dengan Interaksi Sosial Pada Gay di Kota Magelang. 2023. Politeknik Kesejahteraan Sosial Bandung. Pembimbing: Tukino dan Uke Hani Rasalwati Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membuktikan hubungan antara konsep diri dengan interaksi sosial pada gay di Kota Magelang. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis karakteristik responden serta mengidentifikasi hubungan antara diri terhadap identitas, perilaku, penilai atau penerimaan, fisik, moral etik, pribadi, keluarga, dan lingkungan sosial dengan interaksi sosial individu gay. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode kuantitatif dengan menggunakan teknik sampling sensus, di mana jumlah total responden sebanyak 39 orang. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui pengisian kuesioner dan studi dokumentasi. Validitas data diuji menggunakan metode face validity, sementara reliabilitas data diukur menggunakan Alpha Cronbach. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara konsep diri dengan interaksi sosial pada gay di Kota Magelang. Hasil uji korelasi menunjukkan bahwa terdapat hubungan yang positif antara penilaian diri terhadap identitas, perilaku, penilai atau penerimaan, fisik, moral etik, pribadi, keluarga, dan lingkungan sosial dengan interaksi sosial individu gay. Hasil-hasil tersebut diperoleh dengan membandingkan nilai r hitung dengan nilai r tabel, serta melihat signifikansi (Sig.) yang diperoleh dari uji-tailed. Dalam hasil penelitian ini, ditemukan bahwa hubungan yang paling lemah terjadi antara diri fisik dan diri sosial dengan interaksi sosial. Oleh karena itu, disarankan adanya program inklusi peningkatan diri dan perubahan positif gay di kota Magelang. Program tersebut berupa kegiatan konseling individu dan pembentukan kelompok perubahan perilaku sehigga dapat menciptakan lingkungan yang inklusif yang mendukung perubahan positif inividu gay. Kata kunci: konsep diri, interaksi sosial, gay DEWI SHOFIYAH. 1902029. Correlation Between Self-Concept and Social Interaction among Gay in Magelang City. 2023. Bandung Social Welfare Polytechnic. Advisors: Tukino and Uke Hani Rasalwati. This study aims to prove the correlation between self-concept and social interaction in gay people in Magelang City. The purpose of this study is to analyze the characteristics of respondents and identify the relationship between self to identity, behavior, appraisal or acceptance, physical, moral ethics, personal, family, and social environment with social interactions of gay individuals. The research method used is quantitative method using census sampling technique, where the total number of respondents is 39 people. Data collection was carried out through filling out questionnaires and documentation studies. Data validity was tested using the face validity method, while data reliability was measured using Cronbach's Alpha. The results of this study indicate that there is a significant relationship between self-concept and social interaction among gay men in Magelang City. The correlation test results show that there is a positive relationship between self-assessment of identity, behavior, appraisal or acceptance, physical, ethical moral, personal, family, and social environment with social interaction of gay individuals. These results were obtained by comparing the calculated r value with the r table value, as well as looking at the significance (Sig.) obtained from the tailed test. In the results of this study, it was found that the weakest relationship occurred between the physical self and social self with social interaction. Therefore, an inclusion program for self-improvement and positive change of gay men in Magelang city is recommended. The program is in the form of individual counseling activities and the formation of behavior change groups so as to create an inclusive environment that supports positive changes in gay individuals. Key words: self-concept, social interaction, gayItem Kesiapan Remaja dalam Menghadapi Pernikahan Dini di Pusat Pembelajaran Keluarga (PUSPAGA) Kabupaten Wonosobo. Dibimbing oleh Tukino dan Uke Hani Rasalwati(Perpustakaan, 2023-12-29) AYU SETIYANINGSIH. NRP. 19.02.040.; Tukino; Uke Hani RasalwatiABSTRAK AYU SETIYANINGSIH. NRP. 19.02.040. Kesiapan Remaja dalam Menghadapi Pernikahan Dini di Pusat Pembelajaran Keluarga (PUSPAGA) Kabupaten Wonosobo. Dibimbing oleh Tukino dan Uke Hani Rasalwati Penelitian ini mengkaji mengenai Kesiapan Remaja dalam Menghadapi Pernikahan Dini di Pusat Pembelajaran Keluarga (PUSPAGA) Kabupaten Wonosobo. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh gambaran empiris tentang: 1) karakteristik responden, 2) kesiapan fisik, mental, dan emosional responden, 3) kesiapan kebutuhan motif dan tujuan responden, 4) kesiapan keterampilan dan pengetahuan responden. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode kuantitatif dengan pendekatan deskriptif. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan yaitu angket (kuesioner) dan studi dokumen. Penentuan responden dengan menggunakan simple random sampling. Responden dalam penelitian ini adalah remaja penerima layanan PUSPAGA Kabupaten Wonosobo dengan jumlah 55 responden. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan kesiapan remaja dalam menghadapi pernikahan dini di Pusat Pemebelajaran Keluarga (PUSPAGA) Kabupaten Wonosobo berada pada tingkatan sedang, hal tersebut ditunjukkan oleh skor dari 3 (tiga) aspek yaitu kesiapan fisik, mental dan emosional, kesiapan kebutuhan, motif dan tujuan, serta kesiapan keterampilan dan pengetahuan masuk pada kategori sedang. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ditemukan permasalahan yaitu kurangnya pengetahuan dan keterampilan mengenai tugas perkembangan dan perencanaan masa depan pada remaja. Oleh karena itu diidentifikasi kebutuhan untuk mengatasi permasalahan yaitu dengan peningkatan pengetahuan dan keterampilan mengenai tugas perkembangan dan perencanaan masa depan pada remaja. Berdasarkan kebutuhan tersebut, peneliti mengusulkan program yang bernama "Generasi Remaja Beraksi Menata Masa Depan (Gerak Mapan)" untuk membantu remaja dalam menentukan perencanaan masa depan selain menikah. Kata Kunci: Kesiapan, Pernikahan Dini, Pusat Pembelajaran Keluarga ABSTRACT AYU SETIYANINGSIH. NRP. 19.02.040. Adolescent Readiness in Facing Early Marriage at the Family Learning Center (PUSPAGA) Wonosobo Regency. Supervised by Tukino and Uke Hani Rasalwati. This study examines the Readiness of Adolescents in Facing Early Marriage at the Family Learning Center (PUSPAGA) of Wonosobo Regency. This study aims to obtain an empirical picture of: 1) respondents' characteristics, 2) respondents' physical, mental, and emotional readiness, 3) respondents' motive and goal needs, 4) respondents' skills and knowledge readiness. The method used in this research is quantitative method with descriptive approach. The data collection techniques used are questionnaires and document studies. Determination of respondents using simple random sampling. Respondents in this study were adolescents receiving PUSPAGA services in Wonosobo Regency with a total of 55 respondents. The results showed that the readiness of adolescents in facing early marriage at the Wonosobo Regency Family Learning Center (PUSPAGA) was at a moderate level, this was indicated by scores from 3 (three) aspects, namely physical, mental and emotional readiness, readiness of needs, motives and goals, and readiness of skills and knowledge in the moderate category. Based on the results of the study, the problem was found to be the lack of knowledge and skills regarding developmental tasks and future planning in adolescents. Therefore, a need was identified to overcome the problem, namely by increasing knowledge and skills regarding developmental tasks and future planning in adolescents. Based on these needs, the researcher proposed a program called "Generasi Remaja Beraksi Menata Masa Depan (Gerak Mapan)" to help adolescents in determining future planning other than marriage. Keywords: Readiness, Early Marriage, Family Learning CenterItem Komunikasi Pekerjaan Sosial(Sekolah Tinggi Kesejahteraan Sosial Bandung, 2018-11) Tukino; Herry Koswara; Nurani Kusnadi; Epi Supiadi; Nurjanah; Eni Rahayu NingsihItem MENINGKATKAN KEDISIPLINAN KLIEN PENYANDANG DISABILITAS TUNA RUNGU WICARA DALAM MENGIKUTI KEGIATAN DI SENTRA MULYA JAYA JAKARTA(2023-10-13) Vinyta Rizky Antika; TukinoItem PANDUAN PEMBENTUKAN PUSAT STUDI BENCANA DI PERGURUAN TINGGI(Forum Perguruan Tinggi untuk Pengurangan Risiko Bencana (FPT PRB), 2019-01) Tukino; Aria Mariany; Sorja KoesumaItem PEKERJAAN SOSIAL DALAM SETTING KEBENCANAAN(Social Work Journal, Program Studi Ilmu Kesejahteraan Sosial FISIP UNPAD, 2013-09) TukinoIndonesia telah dinyatakan sebagai salah satu negara paling rawan bencana. Menurut International Strategy for Disaster Reduction (ISDR), Indonesia menduduki urutan ke-7 di antara negara-negara yang rawan bencana. Kenyataan terus menunjukkan bagaimana Indonesia tetap rentan terhadap bencana baik yang disebabkan oleh alam seperti gempa bumi, tsunami, gunung meletus dan lainnya maupun non alam seperti banjir, penyakit menular, kebakaran hutan dan lainnya, serta bencana sosial berupa konflik sosial di berbagai daerah. Profesi pekerjaan sosial memiliki peran penting dalam penanggulangan bencana baik pada saat pra bencana, tanggap darurat maupun pasca bencana.Item Pengaruh Konseling Kelompok dengan Relaksasi Otot Progresif dalam Menurunkan Perubahan Suasana Hati (Mood Swing) pada Lanjut Usia di Panti Sosial Bina Insan Bangun Daya 2 Jakarta Timur.(Perpustakaan, 2024-10-15) MAWI SUSANTI NAHAMPUN. NRP.22.01.007; Dwi Heru Sukoco; TukinoMAWI SUSANTI NAHAMPUN. NRP.22.01.007 The Effect of Group Counseling with Progressive Muscle Relaxation in Reducing Mood Swings in the Elderly at the Bina Insan Bangun Daya 2 Social Home in East Jakarta. Supervised by: Dwi Heru Sukoco, and Tukino. Group Counseling with Progressive Muscle Relaxation is the result of psychosocial therapy technology engineering in the form of modifying group counseling therapy steps to be more effective with the involvement of progressive muscle relaxation, namely stretching the physical muscles of the elderly who experience mood swing problems at the Bina Insan Bangun Daya 2 Social Home in East Jakarta. Group Counseling with Progressive Muscle Relaxation is used to deal with the problems of the elderly who experience mood swings during group counseling. This study aims to explain the implementation of group counseling therapy with progressive muscle relaxation on reducing mood swings in the elderly. This study uses a Single Subject Design (SSD) type of A-B-A reversal. The subjects in this study were JN, AF, and SL. The target behavior observed in this study during group counseling activities was related to changes in mood (mood swings) in the elderly, namely excited conditions, feelings of fatigue, feelings of anger, and relaxed and calm conditions. The validity test of the reseacrch instrument used face validity and the reliability test used percent agreement. Then the data analysis used was visual data analysis consisting of analysis in conditions and between conditions. The results of the study indicate that Group Counseling Therapy with Progressive Muscle Relaxation has been proven to be able to reduce mood swings in the elderly, which means that Group Counseling Therapy with Progressive Muscle Relaxation has an effect on reducing mood swings in research subjects, which is known through data trend analysis with increasing and decreasing trends in the percentage of overlapping data in the analysis between conditions below 50% because the smaller the percentage of overlapping data, the stronger the influence of the intervention on changes in treatment. Keywords: Group Konseling, Progressive Muscle Relaxation, Mood Swing, Elderly, Single Subject Design ABSTRAK MAWI SUSANTI NAHAMPUN. NRP.22.01.007 Pengaruh Konseling Kelompok dengan Relaksasi Otot Progresif dalam Menurunkan Perubahan Suasana Hati (Mood Swing) pada Lanjut Usia di Panti Sosial Bina Insan Bangun Daya 2 Jakarta Timur. Dibimbing oleh: Dwi Heru Sukoco dan Tukino. Konseling Kelompok dengan Relaksasi Otot Progresif merupakan hasil rekayasa teknologi terapi psikososial berupa modifikasi langkah-langkah terapi konseling kelompok agar menjadi lebih efektif dengan adanya perlibatan relaksasi otot progresif yaitu peregangan otot fisik lansia yang mengalami permasalahan mood swing di Panti Sosial Bina Insan Bangun Daya 2 Jakarta Timur. Konseling Kelompok dengan Relaksasi Otot Progresif digunakan untuk menangani permasalahan lansia yang mengalami mood swing saat konseling kelompok. Penelitian ini bertujuan menjelaskan implementasi terapi konseling kelompok dengan relaksasi otot progresif terhadap penurunan mood swing lansia. Penelitian ini menggunakan Single Subject Design (SSD) jenis reversal A-B-A. Subjek dalam penelitian ini adalan JN, AF, dan SL. Perilaku sasaran yang di observasi dalam penelitian ini ketika kegiatan konseling kelompok yaitu terkait dengan perubahan suasana hati (mood swing) pada lansia yaitu kondisi bersemangat, perasaan mudah lelah, perasaan marah, dan kondisi rileks dan tenang. Uji validitas alat ukur menggunakan face validity (validitas muka) dan uji reliabilitas menggunakan percent agreement. Kemudian analisis data yang digunakan yaitu analisis data visual yang terdiri dari analisis dalam kondisi dan antar kondisi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Terapi Konseling Kelompok dengan Relaksasi Otot Progresif telah teruji mempu menurunkan mood swing lansia yang artinya terapi Konseling Kelompok dengan Relaksasi Otot Progresif berpengaruh terhadap penurunan mood swing subjek penelitian yang diketahui melalui analisis kecenderungan data dengan trend meningkat dan menurun pada persentase data overlap pada analisis antar kondisi dibawah 50% karena semakin kecil persentase data overlap, semakin kuat pengaruh intervensi terhadap perubahan perlakuan. Kata Kunci: Konseling Kelompok, Relaksasi Otot Progresif, Mood Swing, Lansia, Single Subjek Design.Item Pengaruh Perawatan Sosial Terhadap Kesejahteraan Lanjut Usia Melalui Posbindu Di RW 09 Kelurahan Cipamokolan Kecamatan Rancasari Kota Bandung.(Perpustakaan, 2023-12-28) HENDRA SALEH, 1902021.; Tukino; Uke Hani RasalwatiABSTRAK HENDRA SALEH, 1902021. Pengaruh Perawatan Sosial Terhadap Kesejahteraan Lanjut Usia Melalui Posbindu Di RW 09 Kelurahan Cipamokolan Kecamatan Rancasari Kota Bandung. Dibimbing oleh Tukino dan Uke Hani Rasalwati Penelitian ini meneliti tentang pengaruh perawatan sosial terhadap kesejahteraan lanjut usia yang diterapkan oleh pendamping yaitu kader Posbindu Lanjut Usia. Perawatan sosial merupakan upaya yang dilakukan oleh pendamping untuk memenuhi hak lanjut usia dari berbagai aspek. Lokasi yang dijadikan tempat penelitian adalah Posbindu Lanjut Usia RW 09 Kelurahan Cipamokolan Kecamatan Rancasari Kota Bandung. Responden dalam penelitian ini merupakan lanjut usia baik laki-laki atau perempuan yang telah berusia 60 tahun atau lebih dan mengikuti kegiatan/pemeriksaan di Posbindu Lanjut Usia. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengukur pengaruh yang ada dengan diterapkannya perawatan sosial terhadap kesejahteraan lanjut usia. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kuantitatif eksperimen dengan desain pre-experimental yang berbentuk one shot case study. Hasil pengumpulan data menggunakan kuesioner diujikan dengan uji regresi linear sederhana menggunakan bantuan aplikasi IBM Statistics SPSS 26. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan terdapat pengaruh yang signifikan dengan diterapkannya perawatan sosial terhadap kesejahteraan lanjut usia yaitu sebesar 50,3%. Berdasarkan masalah dan kebutuhan yang ditemukan pada penelitian ini, peneliti mengusulkan program yang bernama “Program Peningkatan Perawatan Sosial Bagi Lanjut Usia” yang bertujuan untuk memaksimalkan penerapan perawatan sosial lanjut usia di Posbindu Lanjut Usia. Kata kunci: Perawatan Sosial, Kesejahteraan, Lanjut Usia ABSTRACT HENDRA SALEH, 1902021. The Effect of Social Care on Elderly Welfare through Posbindu in RW 09 Cipamokolan Village Rancasari District Bandung City. Supervised by Tukino and Uke Hani Rasalwati This study examines the effect of social care on the welfare of the elderly which is implemented by companions, namely Elderly Posbindu cadres. Social care is an effort made by companions to fulfill elderly rights from various aspects. The location used as the research location was the Elderly Posbindu RW 09, Cipamokolan Village, Rancasari District, Bandung City. Respondents in this study were elderly men or women who were aged 60 years or more and participated in activities/examinations at the Elderly Posbindu. This study aims to measure the influence that exists with the implementation of social care on the welfare of the elderly. This study used a quantitative experimental research method with a pre-experimental design in the form of a one shot case study. The results of data collection using a questionnaire were tested with a simple linear regression test using the help of the IBM Statistics SPSS 26 application. The results of this study indicate that there is a significant effect of social care on the welfare of the elderly, namely 50.3%. Based on the problems and needs found in this study, the researchers proposed a program called "Program to Improve Social Care for the Elderly" which aims to maximize the implementation of social care for the elderly at the Elderly Posbindu. Keywords: Social Care, Elderly, WelfareItem Pengaruh Spiritual Religius Emotioanl Freedom Technique (SREFT) terhadap Penurunan Perilaku Sulit Tidur, Kurang Nafsu Makan, dan Sering Menangis pada Lanjut Usia di Desa Rawalele Kecamatan Dawuan Kabupaten Subang.(Perpustakaan, 2024-02-19) Arie Maria Puspita. 2101006.; Tukino; Krisna Dewi.ABSTRAK Arie Maria Puspita. 2101006. Pengaruh Spiritual Religius Emotioanl Freedom Technique (SREFT) terhadap Penurunan Perilaku Sulit Tidur, Kurang Nafsu Makan, dan Sering Menangis pada Lanjut Usia di Desa Rawalele Kecamatan Dawuan Kabupaten Subang. Dosen pembimbing. Tukino. Krisna Dewi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh SREFT terhadap penurunan perilaku sulit tidur, kurang nafsu makan, dan sering menangis pada lanjut usia. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan metode Single Subject Design (SSD) desain reversal A-B-A. Alat pengumpulan data menggunakan instrumen observasi perilaku target, dan penentuan sumber data atau subjek penelitian menggunakan instrumen Beck Depression Inventory (BDI). Jenis terapi yang digunakan adalah SREFT yang mengembangkan terapi EFT dengan menambahkan aspek spiritual religius pada tahapan terapi. Subjek dalam penelitian ini yaitu tiga orang lanjut usia di Desa Rawalele Kecamatan Dawuan Kabupaten Subang, berusia 60 – 70 tahun, mengalami depresi ringan yang telah diderita selama kurang lebih 2 bulan, tidak mengalami gangguan pendengaran dan kejiwaan. Perilaku sasaran yang diobservasi adalah sulit tidur, kurang nafsu makan dan sering menangis. Teknik pengumpulan data pada penelitian ini yaitu dengan pengamatan langsung, wawancara dan studi dokumentasi. Uji validitas alat ukur pada penelitian ini menggunakan uji validitas muka. Adapun uji reliabilitas menggunakan percent agreement. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terjadi penurunan perilaku sulit tidur, kurang nafsu makan, dan sering menangis pada subjek penelitian setelah mendapatkan terapi SREFT. Hal tersebut ditunjukkan melalui kecenderungan arah grafik dan hasil analisis data. Kata Kunci : Depresi, lanjut usia, SREFT ABSTRACT Arie Maria Puspita. 2101006. Spiritual Religious Emotioanl Freedom Technique (SREFT) Effects on Decreased Sleep Difficulty Behavior, Lack of Appetite, and Frequent Crying in Elderly at Desa Rawalele, Kecamatan Dawuan, Kabupaten Subang. Tesis Supervisor. Tukino, Krishna Dewi Setianingsih. The study aims to determine the effect of SREFT on the decrease on decreased sleep difficulty behaviour, lack of appetite, and frequent crying in elderly. The research uses a quantitative approach with the Single Subject Design (SSD) method of reversal design A-B-A. The data collection tool uses the target behavior observation instrument, and the determination of data source or research subject using the Beck Depression Inventory instrument. (BDI). The type of therapy used is SREFT that develops EFT therapy by adding religious spiritual aspects to the therapy stage. The subjects in this study were three elderly people in Rawalele Village, Dawuan district of Subang, aged 60 – 70 years, suffering from mild depression that has been suffering for about 2 months, no hearing and mental impairment. The target behavior observed was difficulty sleeping, lack of appetite and frequent crying. Data collection techniques in this study are direct observations, interviews and documentation studies. The validity test of the measurement instrument in this study uses a face-validity test. As for the reliability test using percentage agreement. The results showed that there was a decrease in the behavior of difficulty sleeping, lack of appetite, and frequent crying on the subjects of the study after receiving SREFT therapy. Keywords: Depression, elderly, SREFTItem Peran Keluarga dalam Meningktkan Motivasi Anak untuk Mengikuti Keterampilan di Pusat Pelayanan Sosial Griya Bina Remaja (PPSGBR) Lembang.(Perpustakaan, 2024-01-02) ALBAR ADABI, 19.02.024.; Tukino; Uke Hani RasalwatiABSTRAK ALBAR ADABI, 19.02.024. Peran Keluarga dalam Meningktkan Motivasi Anak untuk Mengikuti Keterampilan di Pusat Pelayanan Sosial Griya Bina Remaja (PPSGBR) Lembang. Dibimbing oleh Tukino dan Uke Hani Rasalwati Penelitian ini meneliti tentang peran keluarga dalam meningkatkan motivasi anak untuk mengikuti keterampilan di Pusat Pelayanan Sosial Griya Bina Remaja Lembang. Peran keluarga terhadap anak adalah salah satu untuk meningkatkan motivasi anak lebih rajin dan mempunyai motivasi untuk mengikuti keterampilan. Lokasi yang dijadikan tempat penelitian Pusat Pelayanan Sosian Griya Bina Remaja Lembang Kecematan Lembang Kabupaten Bandung Barat, Provinsi Jawa Barat. Responden dalam penelitian ini merupakan keluarga dari anak di PPSGBR salah satu dari anggota keluarga yang jadi responden. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui peran keluarga terhadap anak dalam meningkatkan motivasi anak untuk mengikuti keterampilan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian deskriptif dengan menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif. Sumber data yang digunakan adalah sumber data primer dan sekunder. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah wawancara mendalam, observasi dan studi dokumentasi. Penentuan informan dilakukan menggunakan purposive sampling berjumlah 4 keluarga dan 1 pembimbing. Pemeriksaan keabsahan data yang digunakan adalah perpanjangan pengamatan, meningkatkan ketekunan dan triangulasi. Kata kunci: Peran Keluarga, Motivasi, Keterampilan ABSTRACT ALBAR ADABI, 19.02.024. The Role of the Family in Increasing Children's Motivation to Follow Skills at the Griya Bina Adolescent Social Service Center (PPSGBR) Lembang. Supervised by Tukino and Uke Hani Rasalwati This study examines the role of the family in increasing children's motivation to take skills at the Lembang Griya Bina Adolescent Social Service Center. The role of the family towards children is one to increase children's motivation to be more diligent and have the motivation to follow skills. The location used as the research location for the Lembang Social Service Center for Youth Development, Lembang District, West Bandung Regency, West Java Province. Respondents in this study were families of children at PPSGBR, one of the family members who were respondents. This study aims to determine the role of the family towards children in increasing children's motivation to follow skills. This study uses a descriptive research method using a qualitative approach. The data sources used are primary and secondary data sources. The data collection techniques used were in-depth interviews, observation and documentation studies. Determination of informants is done usingpurposive sampling 4 families and 1 mentor. Checking the validity of the data used is the extension of observations, increasing persistence and triangulation. Keywords: Family Role, Motivation, SkillsItem Peran Posyandu Lansia Dalam Peningkatan Kualitas Hidup Lanjut Usia Di Desa Tambaksari Kabupaten Kebumen Provinsi Jawa Tengah. Skripsi. 2023. Politeknik Kesejahteraan Sosial (Poltekesos) Bandung. Pembimbing: Tukino dan Uke Hani Rasalwati.(Perpustakaan, 2023-12-21) PUPUT ANGGRAENI, 19.02.042; Tukino; Uke Hani RasalwatiABSTRAK PUPUT ANGGRAENI, 19.02.042, Peran Posyandu Lansia Dalam Peningkatan Kualitas Hidup Lanjut Usia Di Desa Tambaksari Kabupaten Kebumen Provinsi Jawa Tengah. Skripsi. 2023. Politeknik Kesejahteraan Sosial (Poltekesos) Bandung. Pembimbing: Tukino dan Uke Hani Rasalwati. Kualitas hidup lansia adalah ukuran atau penilaian terhadap tingkat kepuasan, kesehatan fisik, kesehatan psikologis, hubungan sosial, dan kesehatan lingkungan yang dialami oleh orang yang berusia lanjut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh gambaran empiris tentang peran posyandu lansia dalam peningkatan kualitas hidup lansia di Desa Tambaksari, meliputi karakteristik responden, kualitas hidup aspek fisik, psikologis, hubungan sosial, dan lingkungan. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif dengan pendekatan kuantitatif. Teknik pengambilan sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah teknik non probability sampling dengan responden 55 orang lansia. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah kuesioner dan studi dokumentasi. Alat ukur yang digunakan yaitu skala likert, adapun uji validitas yang digunakan adalah face validity dan pengujian reliabilitas menggunakan rumus Alpha Cronbach. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa kualitas hidup lanjut usia di Posyandu Lansia Desa Tambaksari berada pada kategori sedang dengan skor rata-rata 46.46. Keempat aspek kualitas hidup berada pada kategori sedang yaitu aspek fisik dengan skor rata-rata 38.45, aspek psikologis dengan skor rata-rata 49.78, aspek hubungan sosial dengan skor rata-rata 45.92, dan aspek lingkungan dengan skor rata-rata 51.69. Namun dari keempat aspek tersebut perlu ditingkatkan Kembali untuk memaksimalkan peran posyandu dalam meningkatkan kualitas hidup lansia di Desa Tambaksari. Oleh karena itu, diusulkan “Program Peningkatan Kualitas Kader Posyandu Lansia Desa Tambaksari” yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kualitas hidup lansia di segala aspek agar lansia dapat berfungsi secara maksimal. Kata Kunci: Peran Posyandu, Kualitas Hidup, Lansia ABSTRACT PUPUT ANGGRAENI, 19.02.042, The Role of Elderly Integrated Health Post (Posyandu Lansia) in Improving the Quality of Life of the Elderly in Tambaksari Village, Kebumen Regency, Central Java Province. Thesis. 2023. Politeknik Kesejahteraan Sosial (Poltekesos) Bandung. Advisors: Tukino and Uke Hani Rasalwati. The quality of life of the elderly is a measure or assessment of the level of satisfaction, physical health, psychological health, social relationships, and environmental health experienced by older individuals. This study aims to obtain empirical insights into the role of Posyandu Lansia in improving the quality of life of the elderly in Tambaksari Village, including the characteristics of the respondents, the physical, psychological, social, and environmental aspects of quality of life. The research method used in this study is descriptive with a quantitative approach. The sampling technique used in this study is non-probability sampling with 55 elderly respondents. The data collection techniques used are questionnaires and documentation studies. The measurement tool used is the Likert scale, and the validity test used is face validity, while the reliability testing used the Cronbach's Alpha formula. The results of the study show that the quality of life of the elderly in Posyandu Lansia in Tambaksari Village is in the moderate category with an average score of 46.46. The four aspects of quality of life are in the moderate category, namely the physical aspect with an average score of 38.45, the psychological aspect with an average score of 49.78, the social aspect with an average score of 45.92, and the environmental aspect with an average score of 51.69. However, these four aspects need to be improved to maximize the role of Posyandu in improving the quality of life of the elderly in Tambaksari Village. Therefore, it is proposed to implement a "Capacity Building Program for Posyandu Cadres in Tambaksari Village" aimed at improving the quality of life of the elderly in all aspects so that they can function optimally. Keywords: Role of Posyandu, Quality of Life, ElderlyItem PERAWATAN SOSIAL LANJUT USIA OLEH KELUARGA DI DESA KEMLOKOLEGI(2022-08-26) Mohammad Iqba; Tukino; Ella NurlelaThis study aims to obtain an overview of the process of caring for the elderly by families in Kemlokolegi Village. Social care for the elderly is a series of processes of care activities aimed at the elderly, including assessment activities by taking into account the needs of biological, psychological, and spiritual aspects. This research consists of three aspects, namely activity of daily living (ADL), occupational and vocational. This research method is a descriptive method with a qualitative approach. This data collection is through in-depth interviews, observation, and documentation. Techniques in data collection using data triangulation. The sample in this study was 10 elderly people in Kemlokolegi Village. The results of this study indicate that the majority of families are not ready to provide social care for the elderly because there is no clear understanding of how the process of social care for the elderly should work. In an effort to increase family understanding and awareness in social care for the elderly, the researchers designed a program proposal, namely "Socialization of elderly social care by families through education and role modeling in Kemlokolegi Village." The existence of this proposed program design is expected to increase the understanding of elderly families in the effort to provide social care in Kemlokolegi Village. Keywords: Social Care, Elderly, FamilyItem PROSES INTERSUBJEKTIVITAS PENGUNGSI ANAK (Studi Fenomenologi Komunikasi Interpersonal Pengungsi Anak Korban Tsunami di Meulaboh)(Universitas Padjadjaran Bandung, 2008-03) TukinoThe research is conducted to reveal : (1) The socialization process through children center’s activities performed by The Salvation Army to help intersubjectivity recovery of children refugees, (2) The resiliency owned by children refugees in imbalanced situation between the problems faced by lack of available facilities in the refugees camp, (3) The intersubjectivity process of children refugees whose parents had passed away and whose parents are still alive, (4) The intersubjectivity process of children refugees living in the refugees camp, and had been living in relocation houses. The research method applied is interpretive approach, by qualitative research design based on case study. The data collecting technique conducted by indepth interview, participation observation and focused group discussion. The data analysis methods applied are the method and resource triangulation, colleagues examination through discussion and qualitative measuring technique. The result of the research shows that intersubjectivity process occurred in the children refugees life as long as to be in the refugees camp is getting better when the children refugees actively involved in children center’s activities.Item Protection of the elderly in disaster situations in Indonesia(2022-01-21) TukinoThe territory of Indonesia is an area that is prone to disasters, both natural, nonnatural and social disasters. Thus, the elderly in Indonesia live in a situation of threat of disaster. This study uses a secondary data research method with locus is focused on areas of Indonesia where disasters have occurred in the last five years from 2016 to 2020, namely; earthquake in Pidie Jaya, earthquake and tsunami in Lombok, earthquake and tsunami in Palu, social disaster in Mempawah-West Kalimantan, flash floods in Garut, and the Covid-19 disaster. The data collected was then analyzed using document analysis techniques. Our analysis result concluded that the absence of caregiver who specifically provide programmed assistance, makes the elderly feel lonely, stressed and traumatized. Social workers contribute to the handling of the elderly in disaster locations focused on psychosocial support, and advocacy of legislative policiesItem Protection of the elderly in disaster situations in Indonesia(IOP Publishing, 2022-01-20) TukinoThe territory of Indonesia is an area that is prone to disasters, both natural, nonnatural and social disasters. Thus, the elderly in Indonesia live in a situation of threat of disaster. This study uses a secondary data research method with locus is focused on areas of Indonesia where disasters have occurred in the last five years from 2016 to 2020, namely; earthquake in Pidie Jaya, earthquake and tsunami in Lombok, earthquake and tsunami in Palu, social disaster in Mempawah-West Kalimantan, flash floods in Garut, and the Covid-19 disaster. The data collected was then analyzed using document analysis techniques. Our analysis result concluded that the absence of caregiver who specifically provide programmed assistance, makes the elderly feel lonely, stressed and traumatized. Social workers contribute to the handling of the elderly in disaster locations focused on psychosocial support, and advocacy of legislative policies.Item Protection of the elderly in disaster situations in Indonesia(2022-01) TukinoThe territory of Indonesia is an area that is prone to disasters, both natural, nonnatural and social disasters. Thus, the elderly in Indonesia live in a situation of threat of disaster. This study uses a secondary data research method with locus is focused on areas of Indonesia where disasters have occurred in the last five years from 2016 to 2020, namely; earthquake in Pidie Jaya, earthquake and tsunami in Lombok, earthquake and tsunami in Palu, social disaster in Mempawah-West Kalimantan, flash floods in Garut, and the Covid-19 disaster. The data collected was then analyzed using document analysis techniques. Our analysis result concluded that the absence of caregiver who specifically provide programmed assistance, makes the elderly feel lonely, stressed and traumatized. Social workers contribute to the handling of the elderly in disaster locations focused on psychosocial support, and advocacy of legislative policies.Item Protection of the elderly in disaster situations in Indonesia(IOP Publishing, 2020-01) TukinoThe territory of Indonesia is an area that is prone to disasters, both natural, nonnatural and social disasters. Thus, the elderly in Indonesia live in a situation of threat of disaster. This study uses a secondary data research method with locus is focused on areas of Indonesia where disasters have occurred in the last five years from 2016 to 2020, namely; earthquake in Pidie Jaya, earthquake and tsunami in Lombok, earthquake and tsunami in Palu, social disaster in Mempawah-West Kalimantan, flash floods in Garut, and the Covid-19 disaster. The data collected was then analyzed using document analysis techniques. Our analysis result concluded that the absence of caregiver who specifically provide programmed assistance, makes the elderly feel lonely, stressed and traumatized. Social workers contribute to the handling of the elderly in disaster locations focused on psychosocial support, and advocacy of legislative policies.Item SOCIAL WORKERS AND THE ELDERLY IN THE ERA OF BIG DATA: INNOVATIVE STRATEGIES FOR ACHIEVING SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS(Journal of Law and Sustainable Development (Q2), 2023-11-13) TukinoBackground: Collaboration in the Big Data era that combines social workers and the elderly is an innovative strategy supporting achieving Indonesia's Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This research aims to explore and analyze the impact of combining social workers and the elderly in Big Data projects on achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in Indonesia. Method: Research methods involve interviews, surveys, and project data analysis involving this cross-generational collaboration. The author collected qualitative data through interviews with social workers and the elderly. Interviews were conducted with structured question guides covering using Big Data in social work, challenges faced, and benefits seen. Quantitative data was collected through surveys distributed to social workers with questions related to the research topic. The author also collected secondary data from previous research reports and related case studies. Results: The research results show that this collaboration contributes positively by collecting more accurate data, empowering the elderly through technology, and making a solid contribution to various SDGs. Conclusion: In facing the complexity of social challenges, combining the experiences of the Elderly with technology becomes an innovative strategy that supports inclusive and sustainable development. Keywords: social workers, elderly, Big Data, innovative strategy, sustainable development goals.