Pemberdayaan Sosial Disabilitas Tuli di Sunyi House of Coffee and Hope Bekasi.
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KALIN DELIA SADIYYAH, 20.04.359. Pemberdayaan Sosial Disabilitas Tuli di Sunyi House of Coffee and Hope Bekasi.
Dosen Pembimbing Didiet Widiowati dan Irniyati Samosir.
Penelitian ini menggambarkan pemberdayaan sosial penyandang disabilitas tuli di Sunyi House of Coffee and Hope Bekasi, sebuah coffee shop inklusif. Dengan pendekatan kualitatif deskriptif, data dikumpulkan melalui wawancara mendalam, observasi, dan studi literatur dari berbagai informan seperti founder, manajer, dan staf tuli. Penelitian ini menggunakan teori pemberdayaan Dubois & Miley (2014) yang terdiri dari tiga tahap: dialogue (pelibatan), discovery (asesmen), dan development (intervensi dan evaluasi). Pada tahap dialogue, Sunyi berhasil melibatkan penyandang disabilitas tuli dengan membangun kemitraan melalui pertemanan, bahasa isyarat, dialog empati, dan komunikasi perencanaan ide. Mengartikulasikan situasi dilakukan dengan mendengarkan pengalaman disabilitas tuli dan mempelajari variasi budaya mereka. Arah bersama ditentukan dengan melibatkan teman tuli untuk mencapai tujuan edukasi dan kesempatan kerja.Tahap discovery melibatkan identifikasi kekuatan klien melalui contoh teman tuli yang berdaya dan insight pengalaman mereka. Penilaian potensi sumber daya mencakup riset budaya, komunikasi dengan komunitas tuli, analisis tren, dan pitching ke perusahaan. Sunyi memilih model social entrepreneur dan coffee shop dengan rencana aksi berupa open recruitment, wawancara, seleksi, dan pelatihan. Pada tahap development, Sunyi mengaktifkan sumber daya melalui program Sunyi Akademi, menciptakan aliansi melalui outing, pitching ke perusahaan, stand booth, dan menciptakan suasana inklusif. Peluang untuk disabilitas tuli diperluas dengan challenge menu barista, keterbukaan acara luar, konser, dan menjadikan teman tuli aktivis. Keberhasilan diakui melalui forum evaluasi, masukan dari disabilitas, pengenalan perubahan positif, dan rencana perluasan cabang. Sunyi House of Coffee and Hope Bekasi berhasil dalam pemberdayaan sosial penyandang disabilitas tuli melalui pendekatan inklusif dan berkelanjutan, menciptakan lingkungan kerja yang suportif dan berdaya guna.
Kata kunci: Pemberdayaan Sosial, Disabilitas Tuli, Sunyi House of Coffee and Hope
KALIN DELIA SADIYYAH, 20.04.359. Social Empowerment of Deaf People with Disabilities at Sunyi House of Coffee and Hope Bekasi.
Supervisors Didiet Widiowati dan Irniyati Samosir.
This research describes the social empowerment of deaf people at Sunyi House of Coffee and Hope Bekasi, an inclusive coffee shop. Using a descriptive qualitative approach, data was collected through in-depth interviews, observations and literature review from various informants such as the founder, manager and deaf staff. The study used Dubois & Miley's (2014) theory of empowerment, which consists of three stages: dialogue (engagement), discovery (assessment), and development (intervention and evaluation). In the dialogue stage, Sunyi successfully engaged Deaf people with disabilities by building partnerships through friendship, sign language, empathic dialogue and idea planning communication. Articulating the situation is done by listening to the experiences of Deaf people and learning about their cultural variations. The discovery stage involves identifying the client's strengths through examples of empowered Deaf friends and insights into their experiences. The resource potential assessment involves cultural research, communication with the deaf community, trend analysis and pitching to companies. Sunyi chose a social entrepreneur and coffee shop model with an action plan of open recruitment, interviewing, selection and training. In the development phase, Sunyi activates resources through the Sunyi Akademi programme, creates alliances through outings, pitching to companies, stalls and creating an inclusive atmosphere. Opportunities for deaf people are expanded through barista menu challenges, openness of external events, concerts, and making deaf friends activists. Success is recognised through evaluation forums, feedback from disabled people, recognition of positive changes and store expansion plans. Sunyi House of Coffee and Hope Bekasi is successful in social empowerment of deaf people through an inclusive and sustainable approach, creating a supportive and empowering work environment.
Keywords: Social Empowerment, Deaf Disability, Sunyi House of Coffee and Hope
Pemberdayaan Sosial, Disabilitas Tuli, Sunyi House of Coffee and Hope