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Item PROSES INTERSUBJEKTIVITAS PENGUNGSI ANAK (Studi Fenomenologi Komunikasi Interpersonal Pengungsi Anak Korban Tsunami di Meulaboh)(Universitas Padjadjaran Bandung, 2008-03) TukinoThe research is conducted to reveal : (1) The socialization process through children center’s activities performed by The Salvation Army to help intersubjectivity recovery of children refugees, (2) The resiliency owned by children refugees in imbalanced situation between the problems faced by lack of available facilities in the refugees camp, (3) The intersubjectivity process of children refugees whose parents had passed away and whose parents are still alive, (4) The intersubjectivity process of children refugees living in the refugees camp, and had been living in relocation houses. The research method applied is interpretive approach, by qualitative research design based on case study. The data collecting technique conducted by indepth interview, participation observation and focused group discussion. The data analysis methods applied are the method and resource triangulation, colleagues examination through discussion and qualitative measuring technique. The result of the research shows that intersubjectivity process occurred in the children refugees life as long as to be in the refugees camp is getting better when the children refugees actively involved in children center’s activities.Item DISABILITAS FUNGSIONAL LANJUT USIA KORBAN ERUPSI MERAPI DI SHELTER PLOSOKEREP KABUPATEN SLEMAN(Jurnal Ilmiah Pekerjaan Sosial, Sekolah Tinggi Kesejahteraan Sosial Bandung, 2012-11) Tukino, Neni Kusumawardhani, Ella Nurlela, Catur Herry Wibawa, NurochmiBencana erupsi gunung Merapi yang terjadi pada tahun 2010 telah menimbulkan kerugian baik korban jiwa maupun harta benda. Penduduk yang selamat dari erupsi gunung Merapi, termasuk lanjut usia, tinggal dan hidup di lokasi pengungsian yang disebut sebagai “shelter”, antara lain di Shelter Plosokerep Kecamatan Cangkringan Kabupaten Sleman Provinsi Daerah istimewa Yogyakarta. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengungkapkan: 1) Kondisi fisik, psikologis, sosial lanjut usia yang ada di shelter Plosokerep, 2) Mengetahui hubungan kondisi fisik yang dialami lanjut usia dengan disabilitas fungsionalnya selama tinggal di shelter Plosokerep, 3) Mengetahui hubungan kondisi psikologis yang dialami lanjut usia dengan disabilitas fungsionalnya selama tinggal di shelter Plosokerep, 4) Mengetahui hubungan kondisi sosial yang dialami lanjut usia dengan disabilitas fungsionalnya selama tinggal di shelter Plosokerep. Kata kunci: Lanjut usia korban bencana, biopsikososial, disabilitas fungsionalItem PEKERJAAN SOSIAL DALAM SETTING KEBENCANAAN(Social Work Journal, Program Studi Ilmu Kesejahteraan Sosial FISIP UNPAD, 2013-09) TukinoIndonesia telah dinyatakan sebagai salah satu negara paling rawan bencana. Menurut International Strategy for Disaster Reduction (ISDR), Indonesia menduduki urutan ke-7 di antara negara-negara yang rawan bencana. Kenyataan terus menunjukkan bagaimana Indonesia tetap rentan terhadap bencana baik yang disebabkan oleh alam seperti gempa bumi, tsunami, gunung meletus dan lainnya maupun non alam seperti banjir, penyakit menular, kebakaran hutan dan lainnya, serta bencana sosial berupa konflik sosial di berbagai daerah. Profesi pekerjaan sosial memiliki peran penting dalam penanggulangan bencana baik pada saat pra bencana, tanggap darurat maupun pasca bencana.Item The Implementation of Social Work Practice with Children in Indonesia (A Case Study of Social Work Practice with Children by Social Workers)(© Secholian Publication (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia) unless otherwise stated, 2017-09-01) Ellya Susilowati; Krisna Dewi; Meiti SubardhiniThis study aimed at examining the implementation of social work practice with children in Indonesia. The research used qualitative method with a case study on nine informants who were Social Workers carrying out the task of handling children cases in the city of Bandung, Indonesia. The results showed that Social Workers had started to implement social work practice with children in handling 44 cases of children, but, according to social work practice standards with children as defined by NASW (2013) and based on pragmatic perspectives of social work with children according to Petr.CG 2004), it was not optimal. The implementation of social work practice with children was seen from aspects of practice: 1) building relationships with children should had been done with a consideration to the children’s ages; 2) assessment with children should had already used 'tools' assessment; 3) preparation of intervention plans was less involving children and families; 4) interventions was less responding to the needs of children and less applying behavior change techniques; and 5) the evaluation had not been implemented and supervised. Based on the research findings it is recommended for: 1) Training Center to provide training on the perspective of social work practice with children for Child Social Workers; and 2) Directorate of Child Welfare of the Ministry of Social Affairs to facilitate the implementation of supervision on child social work practice by supervisors; 3) Child Study Center to conduct further study on child social work practice based on clusters of child problemsItem Knowledge and Skills of Social Workers in Handling Children in Conflict with Law in Indonesia(© Secholian Publication (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia) unless otherwise stated, 2018-09-04) Ellya SusilowatiThis study aims to examine how the knowledge and skill of Social Workers in handling Children against Law (ABH) in Indonesia. Social Worker is a profession mandated by Law No. 11 of 2012 concerning the Juvenile Criminal Justice System has some duties, among others, such as assisting the recovery process and changes in Children behavior; giving consideration to law enforcement officers for handling children social rehabilitation; accompany the delivery of Children to their parents, government agencies or community institutions; and approach the community to be willing to accept the children in their social environment. This study used a qualitative approach with descriptive methods for six social workers who carried out tasks in Cianjur regency, West Java. Data collection techniques used interviews, observation and documentation studies. The results indicated that the knowledge and skills of Social Workers in carrying out the tasks of handling ABH still had some limitations, especially in the application of working skills with ABH. The recommendations of this study are: 1) Education and Training Center in the ABH training for Social Workers needs to increase knowledge and skills about social rehabilitation; 2) Children social workers conduct regular discussions and sharing on the competence of social work related to the handling ABHItem Komunikasi Pekerjaan Sosial(Sekolah Tinggi Kesejahteraan Sosial Bandung, 2018-11) Tukino; Herry Koswara; Nurani Kusnadi; Epi Supiadi; Nurjanah; Eni Rahayu NingsihItem The needs of community-based integrated child protection in West Java, Indonesia(Taylor & Francis Group, 2019) Susilawati; Ellya Susilowati; Teta Riasih; Ignatius PraptoraharjoThe high level of violence against children indicated the need for increased child protection. A community-based strategy with participation strength is potential to be developed. Therefore, this research revealed the need for integrated community-based child protection development. The aim of this research describes: (a) children‘s problems; (b) community-based child protection policies, programs, and best practices; and (c) child protection development needs. This research is a policy evaluation with qualitative approach through case study in West Java. Participants of this research consisted of representatives: provincial, regency/city and sub-district or village governments; activity managers, children and parents, selected by purposive sampling. Data were collected by in-depth interviews, focused discussions, and documentation studies. The results indicated that the number of children reported to be victims and perpetrators of violence tends to increase, as reported by the Center for Integrated Services Empowerment for Women and Children. Meanwhile, the existing policy has not been enough to support the improvement of the community movement in child protection. Community-based child protection activities are limited and partial. Nevertheless, community-based protection of best practices are found in some villages and sub-district communities. Communities perceive the practice has empowered them, changed the various elements of the child‘s ecological system, and was very useful in preventing and addressing violence against children targeted for services. The practice needs to be developed more integrated.Item Cognitive Behaviour Therapy to Overcome Trauma of A Child Sexual Abuse Victim in Bandung-Indonesia(© Secholian Publication (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia) unless otherwise stated, 2019) Ellya Susilowati; Krisna DewiCognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) is a micro social work intervention technique that can reduce trauma experience by victims of sexual violence, including children. The purpose of this study was to examine and analyze the application of CBT interventions in dealing with the trauma as experienced by a 10-year-old girl, a victim of sexual violence, who gets help from the Child Protection Agency (LPA) in Bandung. This study used experimental approach with Single Subject Design (SSD) with A-B measurement technique to show the impact of the interventions result. Trauma indications that are intervened with the CBT model are the fear of being alone, nightmare, and sadness when hearing the words related to rape or sexual violence. CBT interventions carried out in this study are performed by providing psychoeducation, relaxation, helping the victim to express feelings, teaching coping skills, and in vivo exposure. The results of CBT interventions indicated changes in the reduction in frequency of trauma indications in children who are victims of sexual violence. This proves that CBT interventions can be performed to reduce the trauma experienced by the 10-year-old victim of sexual violence. The recommendation that can be suggested based on the results of this study are; CBT should be carried out with a more complete session and give reinforcement to parents about mentoring traumatic child victims of sexual violenceItem PANDUAN PEMBENTUKAN PUSAT STUDI BENCANA DI PERGURUAN TINGGI(Forum Perguruan Tinggi untuk Pengurangan Risiko Bencana (FPT PRB), 2019-01) Tukino; Aria Mariany; Sorja KoesumaItem Penerapan Teknologi Pengembangan Masyarakat Pada Program Desa Sabilulungan(Journal Poltekesos, 2019-07-28) Ellya SusilowatiTeknologi pengembangan masyarakat merujuk pada teknologi yang dikembangan pada Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA)dan Methodology for Participatory Assesment (MPA) yang diterapkan pada proses pengembangan masyarakat mulai dari persiapan sosial, asesmen, perencanaan, intervensi sampai dengan monitoring dan evaluasi. Penerapan teknologi pengembangan masyarakat merupakan transformasi teknologi pengembangan masyarakat dalam proses pemberdayaan masyarakat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menggambarkan bagaimana penerapan teknologi pengembangan masayarakat pada program Desa Sabilulungan di Kabupaten Bandung. Metoda kajian yang digunakan partisipasi action research yaitu melibatkan 20 orang perwakilan masyarakat dalam penerapkan teknologi pengembangan masyarakat pada proses pelaksanaan program Desa Sabibilungan berketahanan Sosial Masyarakat. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah dengan Focus Group Discussion (FGD), wawancara mendalam, dan observasi terhadap proses penerapan teknologi pengembangan masyarakat. Hasil kajian menunjukkan bahwa teknologi pengembangan masyarakat dapat diterapkan oleh Tim Kerja Masyarakat pada proses pengembangan program Desa Sabilulungan. Teknologi yang diterapkan yaitu 1) Teknologi pemetaan sosial ;2) methodology for participatory assesment (MPA); 3) teknologi Diagram Venn untuk pemetaan sosial, pemetaan kelembagan masyarakat; 4) Technology of Partisipation (ToP) untuk perencanaan dan 5) teknologi monitoring dan evaluasi secara partisipatif. Hasil penelitian ini merekomendasikan agar teknologi pengembangan masyarakat dapat di input dalam design program-program pengembangan masyarakat. Kata kunci: Penerapan, Teknologi pengembangan masyarakat, Pemberdayaan, Desa Berketahanan Sosial MasyarakatItem Implementasi Fungsi Suportif Supervisi Pekerja Sosial Penanganan Masalah Sosial Anak di Indonesia(Poltekesos, 2019-10) Ellya Susilowati; Dwi YulianiBerikut ini hasil penelitian tentang implementasi fungsi suportif dalam pelaksanaan supervisi praktik pekerjaan sosial dengan anak di indonesia.Item Wanita dan Risiko HIV/AIDS(IDEA Press Yogyakarta, 2019-12-12) Ellya susilowati; Adi FahrudinBook Chapter ini menjelaskan tentang resiko HIV/AIDS pada wanitaItem Survei Nasional Pengalaman Hidup Anak dan Remaja 2018(Poltekesos Bandung, 2020) Ellya Susilowati; Dwi Yuliani; Suharma; Ignatius Praptoraharjo; Dkk.Survei Nasional Pengalaman Hidup Anak dan Remaja (SNPHAR) tahun 2018 sebagai sebuah survei nasional rumah tangga yang representatif dapat memberikan manfaat bagi upaya untuk memahami besaran, sebaran, dan faktor determinan kekerasan terhadap anak di Indonesia. Hasil SNPHAR tahun 2018 ini dapat dijadikan dasar bagi pemerintah dan masyarakat untuk mengembangkan upaya pencegahan dan penanganan kekerasan terhadap anak. Selain itu, SNPHAR tahun 2018 juga dapat dijadikan acuan dasar untuk mengembangkan arah kebijakan pemerintah dalam pencegahan dan penanganan kekerasan terhadap anak, serta rehabilitasi bagi korban kekerasan, baik korban kekerasan fisik, emosional, dan seksual. Dari sisi ilmiah, hasil survei ini dapat digunakan sebagai dasar untuk pengembangan survei yang terkait kekerasan terhadap anak di Indonesia. Laporan hasil SNPHAR tahun 2018 ini menjadi penting dan strategis sebagai evidence-based yang dapat dijadikan rujukan berbagai pihak baik pemerintah, masyarakat, praktisi, akademisi dalam perlindungan anak karena memuat berbagai informasi hasil survei tentang prevalensi tindak kekerasan terhadap anak yang meliputi prevalensi kekerasan fisik, emosional, dan seksual serta tumpah tindih kekerasan ketiganya, baik pada anak laki-laki maupun anak perempuan di Indonesia. Dalam laporan hasil SNPHAR ini juga diuraikan faktor risiko dan faktor pelindung dari tindak kekerasan, memperkirakan dampak dari tindak kekerasan dan mendokumentasikan upaya pencegahan dan penanganan kekerasan terhadap anak yang telah dilakukan agar dapat dimanfaatkan untuk upaya pengembangan kebijakan dan program penghapusan kekerasan pada masa yang akan datang.Item Praktik Pekerjaan Sosial Dengan Anak(Poltekesos, 2020) Ellya SusilowatiBuku ini ditulis sebagai tambahan referensi bagi mahasiswa Pekerjaan Sosial, Kesejahteraan Sosial maupun Pekerja Sosial yang akan melakukan praktik atau bekerja dengan anak dalam rangka memberikan pertolongan kepada anak. Penulisan buku ini diinspirasi dimana penulis sejak tahun 2007 mengajar mata kuliah Praktik Pekerjaan Sosial dengan Anak baik pada program diploma empat/sarjana terapan maupun program Magister Terapan di Politeknik Kesejahteraan Sosial Bandung.Item Protection of the elderly in disaster situations in Indonesia(IOP Publishing, 2020-01) TukinoThe territory of Indonesia is an area that is prone to disasters, both natural, nonnatural and social disasters. Thus, the elderly in Indonesia live in a situation of threat of disaster. This study uses a secondary data research method with locus is focused on areas of Indonesia where disasters have occurred in the last five years from 2016 to 2020, namely; earthquake in Pidie Jaya, earthquake and tsunami in Lombok, earthquake and tsunami in Palu, social disaster in Mempawah-West Kalimantan, flash floods in Garut, and the Covid-19 disaster. The data collected was then analyzed using document analysis techniques. Our analysis result concluded that the absence of caregiver who specifically provide programmed assistance, makes the elderly feel lonely, stressed and traumatized. Social workers contribute to the handling of the elderly in disaster locations focused on psychosocial support, and advocacy of legislative policies.Item Penjangkauan dan Pendampingan Penyalahguna Narkotika(Idea Press, 2020-04-25) Ellya SusilowatiPenyalahguna narkotika merupakan komunitas tersembunyi dan eksklusif, karena mereka masih memiliki stigma dan diskriminasi serta rentan terhadap permasalahan hukum. Permasalahan sosial lainnya dari penyalahguna narkotika adalah kehilangan pekerjaan, manjemen uang yang buruk dan tidak memilik tempat tinggal. Disamping itu mereka juga mengabaikan perawatan kesehatan berkaitan dengan status mereka (Campbell, & Lloyd, 2012). Hal ini mengakibatkan penyalahguna narkotika kurang dapat akses kepada layanan rehabilitasi sosial maupun layanan medis. Kelompok ini apabila tidak ditangani akan meningkatkan jumlah korban penyalahguna narkotika, masalah sosial dan masalah kesehatan mental masyarakat. Oleh karena itu, strategi penjangkauan (outreach) menjadi salah satu alternative untuk memudahkan proses penanganan korban penyalahgunaan Narkotika, baik bersifat pencegahan maupun rehabilitasi didalam suatu wilayah tertentu.Item The Parents Stress Level in Facing Children Study From Home in the Early of Covid-19 Pandemic in Indonesia(GoAcademica Research & Publishing, 2020-07-05) Ellya Susilowati; Mira AzzasyofiaThis research aimed to determine the stress level of parents facing children study from home at the early time of the enactment of COVID-19 social distance policy in Indonesia. The method was conducted using a survey through social media that was filled in by parents who had school-age children and were studying from home. The distribution and filling of questionnaires were conducted from March 31, 2020, to April 6, 2020. 236 respondents filled out the questionnaire, but after data cleaning processed only 223 respondents' data could be analyzed. The instrument used was the Perceived Stress Scale from Sheldon Cohen. The survey results indicate that the stress level of parents facing children study from home in the initial three weeks of social distance policy is 75.34 percent in the medium category, however there are 10.31 percent of respondents who have high-stress levels and 71.88 percent among them are women or mothers. High-stress levels are influenced, among others, by the inability of parents to guide learning, family health concerns, and family economic problems. This condition is likely to continue with the extension of the study from home period. For this reason, it is recommended that child social workers can provide online psychosocial services for parents who accompany children at home, such as family counseling, family therapy that parents and children can do, and increase family resiliency during the pandemic.Item Perubahan Sosial Pada Anak Pasca Covid-19(Refika, 2020-08-01) Ellya SusilowatiBab ini menjelaskan tentang perubahan sosial pada anak pasca Covid-19Item Peranan Keluarga Menghadapi Pandemi Covid-19 Di Indonesia(PT RajaGrafindo Persada, 2020-08-01) Ellya SusilowatiChapter ini menjelaskan tentang peranan keluarga dalam menghadapi pandemi Covid19 di Indonesia, dimana pada saat itu semua anggota keluarga berada dirumah sehingga terdapat tantangan bagi keluarga menghadapi era pandemi Covid19.Item Pekerjaan Sosial dan Proses Pertolongan(Poltekesos. Press, 2021) Dwi Heru SukocoBuku ini menggambarkan bagaimana Pekerjaan Sosial dan Proses Pertolongan
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